Group channel
Update time: 2023/09/25 01:39:18
Create team callback
Example - request of creating team change
4.1. HTTP example
4.2. cURL example
4.3. JSON field in message body
4.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"announcement":"wmtest2 Create team announcement 1564566444990","beinvitemode":1,"creator":"wmtest2","custom":"wmtest2 Create custom attributes of team","eventType":7,"fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"d95488e2-94ee-4e9b-bc85-2df1d7f1f450","icon":"","intro":"wmtest2 Check online team messages sent during synchronization period 1564566444990","inviteList":["wmtest1","wmtest3","wmtest4","wmtest5"],"invitemode":1,"joinmode":0,"level":100,"msg":"Come and join us","servercustom":"wmtest2 Custom attributes of team","teamMuteType":0,"timestamp":"1564566441074","tname":"wmtest2wm3","type":1,"upcustommode":1,"uptinfomode":1}
4.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"announcement":"wmtest2 Create team announcement 1564566444990","beinvitemode":1,"creator":"wmtest2","custom":"wmtest2 Create custom attributes of team","eventType":7,"fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"d95488e2-94ee-4e9b-bc85-2df1d7f1f450","icon":"","intro":"wmtest2 Check online team messages sent during synchronization period 1564566444990","inviteList":["wmtest1","wmtest3","wmtest4","wmtest5"],"invitemode":1,"joinmode":0,"level":100,"msg":"Come and join us","servercustom":"wmtest2 Custom attributes of team","teamMuteType":0,"timestamp":"1564566441074","tname":"wmtest2wm3","type":1,"upcustommode":1,"uptinfomode":1}
4.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 7, which indicates a callback for team creation |
type | Integer | Yes | Team type, 0 indicates ordinary team, 1 indicates advanced team |
creator | String | Yes | owner account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | owner device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | owner client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tname | String | No | Team name |
icon | String | No | Team profile picture |
custom | String | No | Custom field |
intro | String | No | Team introduction |
msg | String | No | Joining team profile |
announcement | String | No | Team announcement |
servercustom | String | No | Server custom field |
inviteList | JSONArray | No | Users invited upon team creation |
teamMuteType | Integer | No | Team mute type, 0 indicates no muting, 1 indicates muting regular members, 3 indicates muting the team (including its owner) |
level | Integer | Yes | Maximum number of team members |
joinmode | Integer | No | Permission to joining application, 0 indicates no application is required, 1 indicates application is required, 2 indicates application is not allowed |
beinvitemode | Integer | No | Whether the invitee's consent is required, 0-consent required, 1- consent not required. |
invitemode | Integer | No | Who can invite others to join the team, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
uptinfomode | Integer | No | Who can update team profile, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
upcustommode | Integer | No | Who can update custom fields, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - dismiss a team
Example - request of dismissing a team:
5.1. HTTP example
5.2. cURL example
5.3. JSON field in message body
5.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
5.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":8,"fromAccount":"wmtest3","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"4f60d2c0-559d-4b84-8315-29c94d8a4ea8","tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575855993"}'
5.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 8, which indicates team dismiss callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - invitation to a team
Example - request of invitation to a team:
6.1. HTTP example
6.2. cURL example
6.3. JSON field in message body
6.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"beinvitemode":0,"eventType":9,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"abe0f670-ee18-453b-af5f-54d5a08bd57f","inviteList":["wmtest10"],"msg":"ordinary invite","tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564572716247","type":1}
6.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"beinvitemode":0,"eventType":9,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"abe0f670-ee18-453b-af5f-54d5a08bd57f","inviteList":["wmtest10"],"msg":"ordinary invite","tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564572716247","type":1}
6.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 9, which indicates team invitation callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
type | Integer | Yes | Team type, 0 indicates ordinary team, 1 indicates advanced team |
beinvitemode | Integer | Yes | Whether the invitee's consent is required, 0-consent required, 1- consent not required. |
inviteList | JSONArray | Yes | Invitee |
msg | String | No | Invitation P.S. |
attach | String | No | attach information about the invitation |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - leave a team
Example - request of leaving a team:
7.1. HTTP example
7.2. cURL example
7.3. JSON field in message body
7.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
7.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":10,"fromAccount":"wmtest7","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"543d2548-140d-434c-804c-f931fdc23ea9","tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564573486382"}'
7.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 10, which indicates leave the team callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - add a team administrator
Example - request of adding a team administrator
8.1. HTTP example
8.2. cURL example
8.3. JSON field in message body
8.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
8.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":11,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"6c11bb65-5506-4fdb-ac37-6ec3c8bdd220","administratorList":["wmtest3"],"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575715262"}'
8.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 11, which indicates callback for adding team administrator |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
administratorList | JSONArray | Yes | administrator list |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - remove a team administrator
Example - request of removing a team administrator :
9.1. HTTP example
9.2. cURL example
9.3. JSON field in message body
9.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
9.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":12,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"ccdb6218-8672-4aca-8e26-f8843a2c4eeb","administratorList":["wmtest3"],"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575744921"}'
9.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 12, which indicates remove team administrator callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
administratorList | JSONArray | Yes | administrator list |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - transfer a team
Example - request of transferring a team:
10.1. HTTP example
10.2. cURL example
10.3. JSON field in message body
10.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
10.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":13,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"4777fe02-b9d2-42c0-9586-f29c2ca32f5d","leave":false,"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575814255","toAccount":"wmtest3"}'
10.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 13, which indicates transfer team callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
toAccount | String | Yes | Counterparty account |
leave | Boolean | Yes | Whether the operator leaves the team |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - kick someone out of a team
Example - request of kicking someone out of a team:
11.1. HTTP example
11.2. cURL example
11.3. JSON field in message body
11.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
11.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":14,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"15bff89f-ae12-426a-8b0e-834b78177879","kickList":["wmtest10"],"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575473172"}'
11.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 14, which indicates kick from team callback |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
kickList | JSONArray | Yes | List of kicked members |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - update team profile
Example - request of updating team profile
12.1. HTTP example
12.2. cURL example
12.3. JSON field in message body
12.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
{"beinvitemode":1,"custom":"wmtest1 custom team attributes 122","eventType":15,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"5e4c2103-5417-4ec9-bf1a-80de992b42a8","icon":"","invitemode":0,"teamMuteType":0,"tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564572978195"}
12.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"beinvitemode":1,"custom":"wmtest1 custom team attributes 122","eventType":15,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"5e4c2103-5417-4ec9-bf1a-80de992b42a8","icon":"","invitemode":0,"teamMuteType":0,"tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564572978195"}
12.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 15, which indicates update Team profile callback |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
tname | String | No | Team name |
icon | String | No | Team profile picture |
custom | String | No | Custom field |
intro | String | No | Team introduction |
msg | String | No | Joining team profile |
announcement | String | No | Team announcement |
servercustom | String | No | Server custom field |
teamMuteType | Integer | No | Team mute type, 0 indicates no muting, 1 indicates muting regular members, 3 indicates muting the team (including its owner) |
level | Integer | No | Maximum number of team members |
beinvitemode | Integer | No | Whether the invitee's consent is required, 0-consent required, 1- consent not required. |
invitemode | Integer | No | Who can invite others to join the team, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
joinmode | Integer | No | Permission to joining application, 0 indicates no application is required, 1 indicates application is required, 2 indicates application is not allowed |
uptinfomode | Integer | No | Who can update team profile, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
upcustommode | Integer | No | Who can update custom fields, 0-administrator, 1-everyone. |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - update team member profile
Example - request of updating team member profile
13.1. HTTP example
13.2. cURL example
13.3. JSON field in message body
13.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
13.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":16,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"bda08b34-4dff-4754-929d-e32ce10b8835","nick":"wmtest1Dagn5","notifyType":1,"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575756458"}'
13.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 16, which indicates update team member profile callback |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
nick | String | No | Team profile name |
custom | String | No | Custom field |
notifyType | Integer | No | Notification type, 0 indicates notification enabled, 1 indicates notification disabled, 2 indicates only accept administrator messages |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - Update team member profile
Example - request of updating other team member profile
14.1. HTTP example
14.2. cURL example
14.3. JSON field in message body
14.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
14.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":17,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"831557c3-a892-4c37-b1e4-90b72d989c32","nick":"wmtest2-29","tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575767978","toAccount":"wmtest2"}'
14.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 17, which indicates callback for updating other team member profile |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
toAccount | String | Yes | Operation recipient |
nick | String | No | Team profile name |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - keep team members muted
Example - request of keeping team members muted:
15.1. HTTP example
15.2. cURL example
15.3. JSON field in message body
15.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
15.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":18,"fromAccount":"wmtest1","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"c41545f3-7e67-49fb-a477-c82e0f235c94","mute":1,"tid":2637250619,"timestamp":"1564575792745","toAccount":"wmtest2"}'
15.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 18, which indicates callback for muting team members |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
toAccount | String | Yes | Operation recipient |
mute | Integer | No | 0 indicates no muting, 1 indicates muted |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |
Callback - apply to join a team
Example - request of applying to join a team:
16.1. HTTP example
16.2. cURL example
16.3. JSON field in message body
16.1 HTTP example:
httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache
16.2 cURL example:
curlcurl -X POST \ \
-H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
-H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
-H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
-H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
-H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
-d '{"eventType":19,"fromAccount":"wmtest7","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"6faac69b-02d0-487b-a4fe-693e36af70e6","joinmode":0,"msg":"applyInfo","tid":2637216281,"timestamp":"1564573451562"}'
16.3 JSON field in message body:
javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
eventType | Integer | Yes | Value is 19, which indicates joing application callback |
fromAccount | String | Yes | Operator account |
fromDeviceId | String | Yes | Operator device id |
fromClientType | String | Yes | Operator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST |
tid | Long | Yes | Team ID |
msg | String | No | Application P.S. |
joinmode | Integer | No | Permission to joining application, 0 indicates no application is required, 1 indicates application is required, 2 indicates application is not allowed |
timestamp | String | Yes | Operation time, string type |