Text message translation

Update time: 2024/06/14 14:39:54

Translate a text message. Users can translate text messages by long pressing the message.


  • Text translation is an add-on feature and must be activated before use. You can contact sales to activate the service. For specific billing rules, see Text translation billing rules.
  • Up to 5,000 can be translated by a single API call by default, and 1 million API calls are allowed in one hour.

API rate limit

  • Apps can call the API by 100 times per second. If API calls exceeds the rate limit, requests from the app will be blocked for 10 seconds before the API become available again.

Request URI

bashPOST  http://api.netease.im/nimserver/translator/textMsg.action  HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Request parameters

  • For information about how to set the header in a POST request, see API Call methods.

  • The settings of the body in a POST request:

Parameter Type Required Description
accid String Yes IM account
text String Yes Text to be translated, up to 5,000 characters
to String Yes Target language, auto (automatic recognition) is not supported
Example: "en", for more supported language codes, see Supported languages
from String No Source language, if unspecified, the default value is set to auto. The source language is automatically recognized
Example: "zh-CHS", for more supported language codes, please see Supported Languages

Response fields

Field Type Example Description
translation String Hello Translation results
language String la2en The source language and the target language are separated by '2.' The source language is positioned before '2,' while the target language is located after it.
timestamp Number 1658233825185 Time when the translation was completed


cURL example request

bashcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: fe416640c8e8a72734219e184*****" -H "Nonce: 12345" -H "CurTime: 1658214270" -H "CheckSum: ******" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=ygy1&text=你好&to=en'  'http://api.netease.im/nimserver/translator/textMsg.action'

Example response

"code": 200,
"data": {
"translation": "Hello",
"language": "la2en",
"timestamp": 1658233825185

Status codes

The status code returned in the response body. For more information, see Status codes.

Supported languages


English Chinese Code
Simplified Chinese 简体中文 zh-CHS
Traditional Chinese 繁体中文 zh-CHT

Common languages

English Chinese Code
Vietnamese 越南语 vi
English 英语 en
Indonesian 印度尼西亚语 id
Italian 意大利语 it
Spanish 西班牙语 es
Japanese 日语 ja
Portuguese 葡萄牙语 pt
Korean 韩语 ko
French 法语 fr
Russian 俄语 ru
German 德语 de
Arabic 阿拉伯语 ar
Thai 泰语 th

Uncommon languages

English Chinese Code
Afrikaans 南非荷兰语 af
Bosnian (Latin) 波斯尼亚语 bs
Bulgarian 保加利亚语 bg
Cantonese (Traditional) 粤语 yue
Catalan 加泰隆语 ca
Croatian 克罗地亚语 hr
Czech 捷克语 cs
Danish 丹麦语 da
Dutch 荷兰语 nl
Estonian 爱沙尼亚语 et
Fijian 斐济语 fj
Finnish 芬兰语 fi
Greek 希腊语 el
Haitian 海地克里奥尔语 ht
Hebrew 希伯来语 he
Hindi 印地语 hi
Hmong 白苗语 mww
Hungarian 匈牙利语 hu
Kiswahili 斯瓦希里语 sw
Klingon 克林贡语 tlh
Latvian 拉脱维亚语 lv
Lithuanian 立陶宛语 lt
Malay 马来语 ms
Maltese 马耳他语 mt
Norwegian 挪威语 no
Persian 波斯语 fa
Polish 波兰语 pl
Querétaro Otomi 克雷塔罗奥托米语 otq
Romanian 罗马尼亚语 ro
Serbian (Cyrillic) 塞尔维亚语(西里尔文) sr-Cyrl
Serbian (Latin) 塞尔维亚语(拉丁文) sr-Latn
Slovak 斯洛伐克语 sk
Slovenian 斯洛文尼亚语 sl
Swedish 瑞典语 sv
Tahitian 塔希提语 ty
Tongan 汤加语 to
Turkish 土耳其语 tr
Ukrainian 乌克兰语 uk
Urdu 乌尔都语 ur
Welsh 威尔士语 cy
Yucatec 尤卡坦玛雅语 yua
Albanian 阿尔巴尼亚语 sq
Amharic 阿姆哈拉语 am
Armenian 亚美尼亚语 hy
Azeerbaijani 阿塞拜疆语 az
Bangla 孟加拉语 bn
Basque 巴斯克语 eu
Belarusian 白俄罗斯语 be
Cebuano 宿务语 ceb
Corsican 科西嘉语 co
Esperanto 世界语 eo
Filipino 菲律宾语 tl
Frisian 弗里西语 fy
Galician 加利西亚语 gl
Georgian 格鲁吉亚语 ka
Gujarati 古吉拉特语 gu
Hausa 豪萨语 ha
Hawaiian 夏威夷语 haw
Icelandic 冰岛语 is
Igbo 伊博语 ig
Irish 爱尔兰语 ga
Javanese 爪哇语 jw
Kannada 卡纳达语 kn
Kazakh 哈萨克语 kk
Khmer 高棉语 km
Kurdish 库尔德语 ku
Kyrgyz 柯尔克孜语 ky
Lao 老挝语 lo
Latin 拉丁语 la
Luxembourgish 卢森堡语 lb
Macedonian 马其顿语 mk
Malagasy 马尔加什语 mg
Malayalam 马拉雅拉姆语 ml
Maori 毛利语 mi
Marathi 马拉地语 mr
Mongolian 蒙古语 mn
Myanmar (Burmese) 缅甸语 my
Nepali 尼泊尔语 ne
Nyanja (Chichewa) 齐切瓦语 ny
Pashto 普什图语 ps
Punjabi 旁遮普语 pa
Samoan 萨摩亚语 sm
Scots 苏格兰盖尔语 gd
Sesotho 塞索托语 st
Shona 修纳语 sn
Sindhi 信德语 sd
Sinhala (Sinhalese) 僧伽罗语 si
Somali 索马里语 so
Sundanese 巽他语 su
Tajik 塔吉克语 tg
Tamil 泰米尔语 ta
Telugu 泰卢固语 te
Uzbek 乌兹别克语 uz
Xhosa 南非科萨语 xh
Yiddish 意第绪语 yi
Yoruba 约鲁巴语 yo
Zulu 南非祖鲁语 zu

Text translation billing rules

The text translation service is billed based on the source language and the number of characters translated in the target language.


  • There are no service charges, and each application is allocated a free quota of 500,000 characters. This free quota is calculated from the moment the function is activated.
  • If the free quota is exceeded, additional charges will apply as follows:
    • Translation between Chinese and common languages: 200 CNY per 5 million characters
    • Translation between Chinese and non-common languages: 400 CNY per 5 million characters
    • Translation between uncommon languages: 400 CNY per 5 million characters.

No billing scenarios

  • API call failure resulting in a 500 status code (indicating an internal server error), no charges will be incurred.
  • Repeated translations of the identical text within a 5-minute window will not be billed.

Overdue payment

  • Usage volume resets to zero at the start of each month. In case of overdue payments, text translation service will remain active until Instant Messaging is suspended.
Was this page helpful?
  • Considerations
  • API rate limit
  • Request URI
  • Request parameters
  • Response fields
  • Example
  • cURL example request
  • Example response
  • Status codes
  • Supported languages
  • Chinese
  • Common languages
  • Uncommon languages
  • Text translation billing rules
  • Billing
  • No billing scenarios
  • Overdue payment