Get the member list

Update time: 2022/12/13 09:02:40

You can get a paginated list of participants in a chat room, a list of permanent participants by role, and a list of online participants.

Get a paginated list of participants

Get a paginated list of participants of a specified role in a specified chat room within a certain period of time.


httpPOST HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

  • For information about how to set the header in a POST request, see API Call methods.

  • The settings of the body in a POST request:

roomid longYes Chat room ID
type intYes The type of participants to be queried, 0: permanent participants; 1: non-permanent participants; 2: online permanent participants
endtime longYes Unit: milliseconds, the timestamp of the last participant in descending order, 0: the current system time
limit longYes The limit of returned entries, the value must be equal to or less than 100

Response parameters

roomid long Chat room ID
accid String The accid of a user
nick String The nickname in the chat room
avator String The avatar in the chat room
ext String Extension field
type String Role type:
LIMITED (limited user, in the blocklist or banned list),
COMMON (regular participant),
MANAGER (administrator),
TEMPORARY (temporary participant)
level int Participant level. If no level is specified for participants, no such field exists.
onlineStat Boolean The online status
enterTime long Time when a user joins a chat room
blacklisted Boolean Whether the participant is in the blacklist. If not, no such field exists.
muted Boolean Whether the participant is muted. If not, no such field exists.
tempMuted Boolean Whether the participant is temporarily muted. If not, no such field exists.
tempMuteTtl long Remaining time to unmute a participant in seconds. If the participant is not muted, no such field exists.
isRobot Boolean Whether it is a chatbot. If not, no such field exists.
robotExpirAt int The time when a chatbot expires in seconds. If not a chatbot, no such field)


cURL request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "CheckSum: 32dc17d0190f37037abc9feb749bbf049c9367e7" -H "AppKey: fe416640c8e8a72734219e1847ad2547" -H "Nonce: 1" -H "CurTime: 1451207708" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'roomid=4235&type=0&endtime=0&limit=20'   ""

Example success response

"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  "desc": {
    "data": [
          "roomid": 111,
          "accid": "abc",
          "nick": "abc",
          "avator": "",
          "ext": "ext",
          "type": "MANAGER",
          "level": 2,
          "onlineStat": true,
          "enterTime": 1487145487971,
          "blacklisted": true,
          "muted": true,
          "tempMuted": true,
          "tempMuteTtl": 120,
          "isRobot": true,
  "code": 200

Query participants by role

Get a list of permanent participants by role (creator, administrator, participants in the blocklist or muted list).


httpPOST HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

  • For information about how to set the header in a POST request, see API Call methods.

  • The settings of the body in a POST request:

roomid long Yes Chat room ID
roles String Yes Set the role for query, example:
{"creator": true, "manager": true, "blacklist": false,"mute": false}

1. creator: the creator of the chat room
2. manager: the administrator
3. blacklist: participant in the blocklist
4. mute: muted participant
Note: If you set the value to false or leave the field empty, the corresponding role information will be ignored.

Response parameters

roomid long Chat room ID
accid String The accid of a user
nick String The nickname in the chat room
avator String The avatar in the chat room
ext String Extension field
type String Role type:
LIMITED (limited user, in the blocklist or banned list),
COMMON (regular participant),
MANAGER (administrator),
TEMPORARY (temporary participant)
level int Participant level. If no level is specified for participants, no such field exists.
onlineStat Boolean The online status
enterTime long Time when a user joins a chat room
blacklisted Boolean Whether the participant is in the blacklist. If not, no such field exists.
muted Boolean Whether the participant is muted. If not, no such field exists.
tempMuted Boolean Whether the participant is temporarily muted. If not, no such field exists.
tempMuteTtl long Remaining time to unmute a participant in seconds. If the participant is not muted, no such field exists.
isRobot Boolean Whether it is a chatbot. If not, no such field exists.
robotExpirAt int The time when a chatbot expires in seconds. If not a chatbot, no such field)


cURL request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "CheckSum: 51eb13ea5ee3a2c00e8388e48e61c65c7866c366" -H "AppKey: fe416640c8e8a72734219e1847ad2547" -H "Nonce: 1" -H "CurTime: 1451207708" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'roomid=66&roles=%7B%22creator%22%3A%20true%2C%20%22manager%22%3A%20true%2C%22blacklist%22%3A%20true%2C%22mute%22%3A%20true%7D' ''

Example success response

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    "code": 200,
                "accid": "user01",
                "nick": "nick01",
                "ext": "",
                "level": 0,
                "avator": "avator01.png",
                "type": "CREATOR", // The creator of the chat room
                "roomid": 72,
                "onlineStat": true
                "accid": "user02",
                "nick": "nick02",
                "ext": "",
                "level": 0,
                "avator": "avator02.png",
                "type": "MANAGER",  // Administrator
                "roomid": 72,
                "onlineStat": false
                "accid": "user03",
                "nick": "nick03",
                "ext": "",
                "blacklisted": true, //Participant in the blocklist
                "level": 0,
                "avator": null,
                "type": "LIMITED",
                "roomid": 72,
                "onlineStat": false
                "accid": "user04",
                "nick": "nick04",
                "ext": "",
                "level": 0,
                "avator": null,
                "type": "LIMITED",
                "muted": true,  //Muted participant
                "roomid": 72,
                "onlineStat": false

Get a list of online participants

Get a list of online participants in a chat room.


httpPOST HTTP/1.1

Request parameters

  • For information about how to set the header in a POST request, see API Call methods.

  • The settings of the body in a POST request:

roomid longYes Chat room ID
accids JSONArray Yes \["abc", "def"\], list of accounts, up to 200 entries


cURL request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "CheckSum: 32dc17d0190f37037abc9feb749bbf049c9367e7" -H "AppKey: fe416640c8e8a72734219e1847ad2547" -H "Nonce: 1" -H "CurTime: 1451207708" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'roomid=4235&accids=["abc", "def"]' ""

Example success response

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  "desc": {
    "data": [
        "roomid": 111,
        "accid": "abc",
        "nick": "cba",
        "type": "CREATOR", //COMMON: regular participant; CREATOR: the creator; MANAGER: administrator; TEMPORARY: temporary participant; ANONYMOUS: anonymous participant (unregistered account); LIMITED: limited participant in the blocklist or muted list
        "onlineStat": true
  "code": 200

Status codes

The status code is returned in the response body. For more information, see Status codes.

Was this page helpful?
  • Get a paginated list of participants
  • URL
  • Request parameters
  • Response parameters
  • Example
  • cURL request example
  • Example success response
  • Query participants by role
  • URL
  • Request parameters
  • Response parameters
  • Example
  • cURL request example
  • Example success response
  • Get a list of online participants
  • URL
  • Request parameters
  • Example
  • cURL request example
  • Example success response
  • Status codes