Mute an account in modules

Update time: 2023/10/24 06:44:15

Mute or unmute chat in a specific module.


Mute or unmute chats in P2P chat module, team chat module, or chat room module.

If an account is muted in a module, the user cannot send messages in the module. Sending messages will return a 423 error code. However, the user can still receive messages and send custom system notifications.

API rate limit

  • Apps can call the API by 100 times per second. If API calls exceeds the rate limit, requests from the app will be blocked for 10 seconds before the API become available again.

Request URI

bashPOST  HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Request parameters

  • For information about how to set the header in a POST request, see API Call methods.

  • The settings of the body in a POST request:

accidStringYesuser account, up to 32 characters.
muteP2P Boolean No Whether to mute the account in the private chat module
true: mute the account, false : unmute the account.
muteTeam Boolean No Whether to mute the account in the group chat module
true: mute the account, false : unmute the account.
muteRoom Boolean No Whether to mute the account in the chat room module
true: mute the account, false : unmute the account.
muteQChat Boolean No Whether to mute the account in the QChat module
true: mute the account, false : unmute the account.
  • The parameters muteP2P, muteTeam, muteRoom, and muteQChat are all optional. However, you must at least specify one parameter, otherwise a 414 error will be reported.
  • It is preferred you specify values for all options when calling this API and indicate the account's mute status in each module.

Response fields

Field Description
code HTTP status code, 200 means the request is successful.
data User’s mute status in each module

data representation

Field Description
muteP2P Mute status in the private chat module
muteTeam Mute status in the group chat module
muteRoom Mute status in the chat room module
muteQChat Mute status in the QChat module


Sample request (cURL)

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk4***803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgg**23t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=123123&muteP2P=true'  ''

Sample success response

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    "muteP2P": false,
    "muteTeam": true,
    "muteRoom": false,
    "muteQChat": false

Sample error response

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    "desc":"missing required parameter" // No mute status is specified.

Status codes

The following status codes are related to responses of this API. For more status codes, see Status codes.

Status code Description Recommendation
200 Success -
414 Parameter error Check the format and restrictions of arguments based on the error message.
500 Internal Server Error -
Was this page helpful?
  • Overview
  • API rate limit
  • Request URI
  • Request parameters
  • Response fields
  • Examples
  • Sample request (cURL)
  • Sample success response
  • Sample error response
  • Status codes