Audio and Video Call v1.0

Update time: 2023/09/25 01:40:08

Callback - initiate an audio & video call

  • Example- request of initiating an audio & video call

    17.1. HTTP example

    17.2. cURL example

    17.3. JSON field in message body

17.1 HTTP example:

httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache

{"callType":2,"eventType":20,"forceKeepCalling":true,"fromAccount":"rss02","fromClientIp":"240e:e8:f012:6fc1:ec15:1366:3ccb:2f18","fromClientPort":"50867","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"727EDBAF-AF84-42AE-9E09-EE586CCBCF2D","notifyAttach":"Audio/video request extension information","timestamp":"1573459861008","toAccountList":["rss01"]}

17.2 cURL example:

curlcurl -X POST \ \
  -H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
  -H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
  -d '{"callType":2,"eventType":20,"forceKeepCalling":true,"fromAccount":"rss02","fromClientIp":"240e:e8:f012:6fc1:ec15:1366:3ccb:2f18","fromClientPort":"50867","fromClientType":"IOS","fromDeviceId":"727EDBAF-AF84-42AE-9E09-EE586CCBCF2D","notifyAttach":"Audio/video request extension information","timestamp":"1573459861008","toAccountList":["rss01"]}

17.3 JSON field in message body:

javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
eventTypeIntegerYesValue is 20, which indicates callback for initiating audio & video call
fromAccountStringYesOperator account
fromDeviceIdStringYesOperator device id
fromClientTypeStringYesOperator client type: AOS、IOS、PC、WINPHONE、WEB、REST
fromClientIpStringNoOperator's client IP address
fromClientPortStringNoOperator's client port number
callTypeIntegerYesaudio & video call type, 1 indicates audio, 2 indicates video
forceKeepCallingBooleanNoWhether to force continuous call
notifyAttachStringNoCustom field
toAccountListJSON ARRAYYesCalled accid list
timestampStringYesOperation time, string type

Callback - create a multi-user AVROOM

  • Example- request of creating a multi-user AVROOM

    18.1. HTTP example

    18.2. cURL example

    18.3. JSON field in message body

18.1 HTTP example:

httpPOST /receiveMsg.action HTTP/1.1
AppKey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542
CurTime: 1541583920979
MD5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81
CheckSum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-cache


18.2 cURL example:

curlcurl -X POST \ \
  -H 'appkey: 158983881e092b052194d219453d6542' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'checksum: 6f08c5ee2dd16a5fc34a12005e5d5f1411e657a1' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'curtime: 1541583920979' \
  -H 'md5: e89c284a5ad9a76b3176e23108920f81' \
  -d '{"channelName":"ss","eventType":21,"fromAccount":"lly1","fromClientIp":"","fromClientPort":"46612","fromClientType":"WEB","fromDeviceId":"862e8f7463b0721f4a49d77bb14cc124","roomConfig":"","selfConfig":"","timestamp":"1573456122632"}'

18.3 JSON field in message body:

javaNot every field in the callback message will necessarily be copied. Please pay attention to the nulling of each field.
eventTypeIntegerYesValue is 21, which indicates callback for creating multi-person audio/video room
fromAccountStringYesOperator account
fromDeviceIdStringYesOperator device id
fromClientTypeStringYesOperator client type: AOS, IOS, PC, WINPHONE, WEB, and REST
fromClientIpStringNoOperator's client IP address
fromClientPortStringNoOperator's client port number
roomConfigStringNoRoom attribute field
selfConfigStringNoCustom field
timestampStringYesOperation time, string type
Was this page helpful?
  • Callback - initiate an audio & video call
  • 17.1 HTTP example:
  • 17.2 cURL example:
  • 17.3 JSON field in message body:
  • Callback - create a multi-user AVROOM
  • 18.1 HTTP example:
  • 18.2 cURL example:
  • 18.3 JSON field in message body: