Server-side sessions

Update time: 2023/02/09 08:28:36

The server-side session service is different from the local recent session. The server provides a service to get the recent session list from the server and does not support synchronization with the local recent session list.

  • The server stores the user's complete session history list and the latest message;

  • Clients can get the session list from the server with a specified number of sessions and the obtained sessions are not combined with the local session list.

  • Unread count is not supported.

Get the session list

Get the session list from the server:

 *  Block for getting the server session list
 *  @param error   error. If the operation succeeds, the error parameter returns nil
 *  @param recentSessions retrieved recent sessions
 * @param hasMore The minimum timestamp will only be returned when the first page is requested.  The timestamp will be included in the request parameters in the next incremental synchronization
typedef void(^NIMFetchRecentSessionsHistoryBlock)(NSError * __nullable error,
                                                 NSArray<NIMRecentSession *> * __nullable       recentSessions,
                                                 BOOL hasMore);

@protocol NIMConversationManager <NSObject>
* Get paginated history messages from the server.
*  @param option  pagination option. Optional, If unspecified, all history messages are obtained.
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)fetchServerSessions:(nullable NIMFetchServerSessionOption *)option
                 completion:(nullable NIMFetchRecentSessionsHistoryBlock)completion;


Parameter Type Description
option NIMFetchServerSessionOption Options for getting recent sesssions from the server
completion NIMFetchRecentSessionsHistoryBlock Callback that returns the result

NIMRecentSession representation:

Parameter Type Description
session NIMSession Current session
unreadCount NSInteger The number of unread messages
localExt NSDictionary local extension
updateTime NSTimeInterval The latest update time of the server session. The parameter is invalid for local sessions.
serverExt NSString The extension field. This field is invalid for local sessions
lastMessageType NIMLastMsgType The type of the last message (this field is invalid for local sessions)
lastMessage NIMMessage The last message.
lastRevokeNotification NIMRevokeMessageNotification The type of the last message (this field is invalid for local sessions)


objc// Next page
NIMFetchServerSessionOption * option = [[NIMFetchServerSessionOption alloc] init];
option.needLastMessage = needLastMsg;
option.minTimestamp = min;
option.maxTimestamp = currentMin - 1;
option.limit = limit;
[[NIMSDK sharedSDK].conversationManager fetchServerSessions:option completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error, NSArray<NIMRecentSession *> * _Nullable recentSessions, BOOL hasMore) {}];

Get the specified session

Get the details of a specified session from the server.

objc@protocol NIMConversationManager <NSObject>
 * Get messages from the server.
 *@param session Target session
 *@param completion Completion callback
- (void)fetchServerSessionBySession:(NIMSession *)session
                         completion:(nullable NIMFetchRecentSessionHistoryBlock)completion;


Parameter Type Description
session NIMSession Target session
completion NIMFetchRecentSessionHistoryBlock The callback that returns the session information.


objc[[NIMSDK sharedSDK].conversationManager fetchServerSessionBySession:recent.session completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error, NIMRecentSession * _Nullable recentSession) {}];

Edit the extension filed of the server session

Updating recent sessions on the server;

objc@protocol NIMConversationManager <NSObject>
*  Update messages from the server
*  @param ext        extension
*  @param session    Target recent session
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateServerSessionExt:(NSString *)ext
                       session:(NIMSession *)session
                    completion:(nullable NIMRemoteRecentSessionBlock)completion;


Parameter Type Description
ext NSString New value for the extension field.
session NIMSession Target session.
completion NIMRemoteRecentSessionBlock Callback for completion.


objc [[NIMSDK sharedSDK].conversationManager updateServerSessionExt:@"newServerExt" session:recentSession.session completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { }];

Delete server sessions

objc@protocol NIMConversationManager <NSObject>
*  Delete sessions from the server
*  @param sessions Target sessions
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)deleteServerSessions:(NSArray<NIMSession *> *)sessions
                  completion:(nullable NIMRemoteRecentSessionBlock)completion;


Parameter Type Description
sessions NSArray Target sessions
completion NIMRemoteRecentSessionBlock Callback for completion.


objc[[NIMSDK sharedSDK].conversationManager deleteServerSessions:@[recentSession.session] completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {}];
Was this page helpful?
  • Get the session list
  • Get the specified session
  • Edit the extension filed of the server session
  • Delete server sessions