Miscellaneous Features

Update time: 2023/02/09 07:48:31

Catch exceptions handling database

Register the exception handler

  • Database exception object
 *  Database exception info
@interface NIMDatabaseException : NSObject

 * Database exception
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly) NIMDatabaseExceptionType exception;

 *  Database exception info
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly) NSString * message;

 *  Database file path in a sandbox
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly) NSString * databasePath;

 *  Register a database exception handler
 *  @param handler custom handler
+ (void)registerExceptionHandler:(id<NIMDatabaseHandleExceptionProtocol>)handler;


Sample code:

objcNTESDbExceptionHandler * handler = [[NTESDbExceptionHandler alloc] init];
[NIMDatabaseException registerExceptionHandler:handler];
  • Demo
objc// NTESDbExceptionHandler.m
@implementation NTESDbExceptionHandler

- (void)handleException:(NIMDatabaseException *)exception
    self.count ++;
    NSString * codeType = nil;
    switch (exception.exception) {

        case NIMDatabaseExceptionTypeBadDb:
            codeType = @"database corruption";

    NSString * msg = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Total count %zu\nError: %@\nMessage:%@\npath:%@\n",self.count, codeType,exception.message, exception.databasePath];
    NSLog(@"handleException: %@",msg);
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow hideToasts];
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow makeToast:msg

Transparent data transmission

Transfer the data of HTTP requests to the app server

objective-c@protocol NIMPassThroughManager  <NSObject>

 * Transparently transmit HTTP requests to application services
 *  @param reqData      HTTP data in pass-through mode
 *  @param completion Callback for operation completion
 *  @discussion If the operation is successful, CommsEase server will send a group notification message for banning
- (void)passThroughHttpReq:(NIMPassThroughHttpData *)reqData
                completion:(nullable NIMPassThroughCompletedBlock)completion;


Parameter Type Description
reqData NIMPassThroughHttpData Transferred data of an HTTP request
completion NIMPassThroughCompletedBlock Callback for completion

Callback for data transfer

 * Transparent transmission service management callback
@protocol NIMPassThroughManagerDelegate <NSObject>


*  Received messages delivered in pass-through mode
*  @param recvData   Received messages data
- (void)didReceivedPassThroughMsg:(NIMPassThroughMsgData* __nullable)recvData;


Manage callbacks

objc[NIMSDK.sharedSDK.passThroughManager addDelegate:yourDelegate]; // Register a callback
[NIMSDK.sharedSDK.passThroughManager removeDelegate:yourDelegate]; // Unregister a callback.
Was this page helpful?
  • Catch exceptions handling database
  • Register the exception handler
  • Transparent data transmission
  • Transfer the data of HTTP requests to the app server
  • Callback for data transfer