
Update time: 2024/03/14 17:08:34


The NIMSuperTeamManager class is used to manage supergroups. Supergroups can accommodate a large number of group members. Up to 10,000 members can join a supergroup. However, not all features supported by advanced group are available for supergroups. Roles in a supergroup include the owner and regular members.

Create a supergroup

Only the server API can create a supergroup. The SDK provides no methods to create supergroups.

Get supergroups

The NIM SDK will synchronize the local group information when the app starts. You can call the corresponding interface to get the group information from the local cache. NIM SDK provides interfaces to retrieve data of multiple groups a user has joined or a single group by group ID. The SDK also provides an interface for obtaining group information from the server.

Get all groups from the local database


objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Get all groups
 *  @return list of all groups
- (nullable NSArray<NIMTeam *> *)allMyTeams;

Get the specified groups from the local database

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Get specific group information based on the group ID
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @return Group info
- (nullable NIMTeam *)teamById:(NSString *)teamId;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.

Get specified groups from the cloud

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Get the group profile
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)fetchTeamInfo:(NSString *)teamId 
           completion:(nullable NIMTeamFetchInfoHandler)completion

Dismiss supergroups

Only the server API can dismiss a supergroup. The SDK provides no methods to dismiss supergroups.

Group member management

Join a group

Request to join a group

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Request to join a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 * @param message    request message
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)applyToTeam:(NSString *)teamId
            message:(NSString *)message
         completion:(nullable NIMTeamApplyHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
message NSString request message
completion NIMTeamApplyHandler Callback for completion

Verify join requests

Approve a join request

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Approve the request to join a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param userId       ID of a requester
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)passApplyToTeam:(NSString *)teamId
                 userId:(NSString *)userId
             completion:(nullable NIMTeamApplyHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
userId NSString The ID of a user that send the request
completion NIMTeamApplyHandler Callback for completion

Reject a join request

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Decline a request to join a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param userId       ID of a requester
 *  @param rejectReason reason for rejecting the request
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)rejectApplyToTeam:(NSString *)teamId
                   userId:(NSString *)userId
               completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
userId NSString The ID of a user that send the request
rejectReason NSString The reason for rejecting a request
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Invite to join a group

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Send an invite request
 * @param users user ID list
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param postscript  additional message for invitation
 *  @param attach      extended message
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)addUsers:(NSArray<NSString *>  *)users
          toTeam:(NSString *)teamId
      postscript:(nullable NSString *)postscript
          attach:(nullable NSString *)attach
      completion:(nullable NIMTeamMemberHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
users NSArray<NSString *> The list of user IDs.
teamId NSString The group ID.
postscript NSString The additional message for an invitation.
attach NSString Extended message
completion NIMTeamMemberHandler Callback for completion.

Respond to invitations

Accept an invitation

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Accept an invitation to join a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param invitorId  invitor ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)acceptInviteWithTeam:(NSString*)teamId
                  completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
invitorId NSString The ID of a user that sends an invitation.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Reject an invitation

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Reject an invite request
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param invitorId  invitor ID
 *  @param rejectReason reason for rejecting the request
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)rejectInviteWithTeam:(NSString*)teamId
                  completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
invitorId NSString The ID of a user that sends an invitation.
rejectReason NSString The reason for rejecting an invitation
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Remove members

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Remove members from a group
 * @param users  list of user IDs to be removed
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)kickUsers:(NSArray<NSString *> *)users
         fromTeam:(NSString *)teamId
  • After a user is removed a group, the relevant session information will still be retained, but the messages from this group will no longer be received.


Parameter Type Description
users NSArray<NSString *> The IDs of users to be removed.
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Leave a group

Leave a group

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Leave a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)quitTeam:(NSString *)teamId


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.
  • After a user successfully leaves a group, the relevant session information will still be retained, but the messages from this group will no longer be received.

Get the members of a group

Group member information is different from user information. The information is associated with groups. The group member information of the same user in different groups is also different. Group member information includes group nickname, join time, member type and the like.


objc@interface NIMSuperTeamMember : NSObject
 *  Group ID
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *teamId;

 *  User ID
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *userId;

 *  Inviter ID
 * @dicusssion This field is valid only when the member is the current user You cannot view the inviters of other group members
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *invitor;

 *  Group nickname
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy)         NSString *nickname;

 *  Time a user joined a group
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       NSTimeInterval createTime;

 *  Custom field of a new group member
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy)        NSString *customInfo;



Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
userId NSString Group member ID
nickname NSString Group nickname
isMuted BOOL Whether a member is muted.
createTime NSTimeInterval The time when a member joined a group.
customInfo NSString Custom information about a new group member.

For group members, the SDK does not guarantee local data, and the SDK will synchronize the group members in the group after login. For the data of group members that have been synced or retrieved from the server, the SDK will cache the data on the local storage.

When the member information in the local cache changes, the upper layer will be notified by the NIMSuperTeamManagerDelegate callback.

Get the members of a group

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Get the members of a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param option  pagination option
 *  @param completion completion callback
- (void)fetchTeamMembers:(NSString *)teamId
                  option:(NIMTeamFetchMemberOption *)option
              completion:(nullable NIMSuperTeamMemberHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
option NIMTeamFetchMemberOption Option for pagination
completion NIMSuperTeamMemberHandler Callback for completion

In most cases, this request fetches the data interval from the local cache and sync the data with the server. However, due to the large amount of information about group members, the SDK delays retrieving the information after in the login. Considering the network and other issues, the SDK may not cache the group member information in time, so this request will be an asynchronous operation (incremental request) with a network request. * At the same time, this interface will request the data information of group users that are not cached locally, but will not trigger - (void)onUserInfoChanged: callback.

The obtained data of group members only have group-related data stored on the CommsEase server. You must combine the user data managed by the app server for display.

Get the specified group member

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Get the member information. Returns the locally cached group member information, or return nil if no corresponding data is stored on the local storage.
 *  @param userId     User ID     
 *  @param teamId Group ID
- (nullable NIMTeamMember *)teamMember:(NSString *)userId 
                                inTeam:(NSString *)teamId;

Edit the profile of a group member

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the nickname in a group
 * @param userId    group member ID
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateMyNick:(NSString *)userId
              inTeam:(NSString *)teamId


Parameter Type Description
userId NSString user ID
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.
  • Update the nickname of the current user
objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Update the nickname of the current user
 *  @param userId      Member ID
 *  @param newNick    New nickname
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateUserNick:(NSString *)userId 
               newNick:(NSString *)newNick 
                inTeam:(NSString *)teamId 
            completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion
  • Update custom property of the current user.
objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the custom field of the current user
 *  @param newInfo     New value of the custom field
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateMyCustomInfo:(NSString *)newInfo 
                    inTeam:(NSString *)teamId 
                completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion

Edit the group information

The SDK provides an interface to update multiple fields of group information. This interface can modify multiple properties of a group at a time, such as name and announcement. The passed key-value pair is {@(NIMSuperTeamUpdateTag):NSString}, and invalid data will be filtered. The group owner and administrator can edit the data.

 *  Update the group profile
 * @param values group information key-value pair that needs to be updated
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
 * @discussion This interface can modify multiple attributes of a group at a time, such as name and announcement. The passed key-value pair is {@(NIMSuperTeamUpdateTag): NSString}, and invalid data will be filtered. The group owner and administrator can edit the data.
- (void)updateTeamInfos:(NSDictionary<NSNumber *,NSString *> *)values
                 teamId:(NSString *)teamId
             completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;
  • NIMSuperTeamUpdateTag
 *  Update a field of a group profile
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NIMSuperTeamUpdateTag){
     *  Group name
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagName            = 3,
     * Group introduction
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagIntro           = 14,
     *  Group announcement
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagAnouncement     = 15,
     *  Verification method
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagJoinMode        = 16,
     *  Client custom extension fields
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagClientCustom    = 18,
     *  Server custom extension field
     * @discussion SDK cannot directly edit this field. Call the server interface to edit the field.
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagServerCustom    = 19,
     *  avatar
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagAvatar          = 20,
     *  Accept invitations
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagBeInviteMode    = 21,
     *  Mute or unmute a group
     * @discussion SDK cannot directly edit this field. Call the server interface to edit the field.
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagMuteMode       = 101,

     * Business for anti-spam
    NIMSuperTeamUpdateTagAntispamBusinessId = 102,
  • Parameters
Parameter Type Description
values NSString The key-value pair to be updated.
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Listen to changes of group members

objc@protocol NIMTeamManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 *  Callback for group member changes, such as adding or removing members and member profile changes
 *  @param team Group changes
- (void)onTeamMemberChanged:(NIMSuperTeam *)team;

Check the membership of the current user

Check whether the current user is the member of a group by group ID

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Determine if it is my group based on the group ID
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 * @return  result
- (BOOL)isMyTeam:(NSString *)teamId;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString Group ID

Transfer the ownership of a group

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Transfer the ownership of a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param newOwnerId New group owner ID
 * @param isLeave specify whether to leave the group if the ownership of a group is transferred.
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)transferManagerWithTeam:(NSString *)teamId
                     newOwnerId:(NSString *)newOwnerId
                     completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString The group ID.
newOwnerId NSString The ID of the new owner
isLeave BOOL Whether the original owner leaves the group.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Assign an administrator

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Add an administrator
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 * @param users  list of user IDs to be added as administrator
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)addManagersToTeam:(NSString *)teamId
                    users:(NSArray<NSString *>  *)users
               completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
users NSArray<NSString *> IDs of members assigned administrator
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Unassign administrator

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Unassign administrators
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 * @param users  list of user IDs to be revoked the administrator role
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)removeManagersFromTeam:(NSString *)teamId
                         users:(NSArray<NSString *>  *)users
                    completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
users NSArray<NSString *> Ids of members unassigned administrator.
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.


Mute specified members

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Mute a group member
 *  @param mute        mute or unmute
 *  @param userId user ID
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion  Completion callback
 *  @discussion If the operation is successful, CommsEase will send a group notification message for banning
- (void)updateMuteState:(BOOL)mute
                userIds:(NSArray<NSString *> *)userIds
                 inTeam:(NSString *)teamId
             completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
mute BOOL Whether a member is muted.
users NSArray<NSString *> user IDs
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Mute all members

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Mute all group members
 *  @param mute        mute or unmute
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion  Completion callback
 *  @discussion If the operation is successful, CommsEase will send a group notification message for banning
- (void)updateMuteState:(BOOL)mute
                inTeam:(NSString *)teamId
            completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
mute BOOL Whether a member is muted.
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Check the mute state of a member

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * getting the list of muted the members in a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion  Completion callback
 *  @discussion In most cases, the request fetches data from the local cache and return the data synchronously. However, due to the large amount of information about group members, the SDK delays retrieving the information after login. Considering the network and other issues, the SDK may not cache the group member information in time, so this request will be an asynchronous operation (incremental request) with a network request. * At the same time, this interface will request the data information of group users that are not cached locally, but will not trigger - (void)onUserInfoChanged: callback.
- (void)fetchTeamMutedMembers:(NSString *)teamId 
                   completion:(nullable NIMTeamMemberHandler)completion;

Manage group information

Edit group information

The group owner can modify the group information, and the members can only modify their own information. After modifying the group information, you will receive a notification with NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent.


Edit the group information

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the group profile
 * @param values group information key-value pair that needs to be updated
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
 * @discussion This interface can modify multiple attributes of a group at a time, such as name and announcement. The passed key-value pair is {@(NIMSuperTeamUpdateTag) : NSString}, and invalid data will be filtered data.
- (void)updateTeamInfos:(NSDictionary<NSNumber *,NSString *> *)values
                 teamId:(NSString *)teamId
             completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
values NSDictionary The key-value pair of the group information to be updated.
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion

Update the group name

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 * Update the group name
 *  @param teamName group name
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamName:(NSString *)teamName
                teamId:(NSString *)teamId
            completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamName NSString Group name
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Update the group avatar

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the group avatar
 * @param teamAvatarUrl group avatar URL
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamAvatar:(NSString *)teamAvatarUrl
                  teamId:(NSString *)teamId
              completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
teamAvatarUrl NSString The URL of the group avatar
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Change the verification method for join requests

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the verification mode for joining a group
 * @param joinMode verification method
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamJoinMode:(NIMTeamJoinMode)joinMode
                    teamId:(NSString *)teamId
                completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
joinMode NIMTeamJoinMode Verification method
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Update the verification method for invitations

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the verification mode for being invited to join a group
 * @param joinMode verification method
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamBeInviteMode:(NIMTeamBeInviteMode)beInviteMode 
                        teamId:(NSString *)teamId 
                    completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;

Update the group introduction

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the group profile
 *  @param intro       group intro
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamIntro:(NSString *)intro
                 teamId:(NSString *)teamId
             completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
intro NSString The group introduction
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Update the group announcement

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the group announcement
 * @param announcement group announcement
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamAnnouncement:(NSString *)announcement
                        teamId:(NSString *)teamId
                    completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
announcement NSString The group announcement
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Update the custom field

objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Update the custom field of a group profile
 * @param info user defined info
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateTeamCustomInfo:(NSString *)info
                      teamId:(NSString *)teamId
                  completion:(nullable NIMTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
info NSString The custom field
teamId NSString The group ID.
completion NIMTeamHandler Callback for completion.

Listen to changes of group attributes

  • Callback for updating the group information
objc@protocol NIMTeamManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 *  Callback for updating the group information
 *  @param team updated group
- (void)onTeamUpdated:(NIMSuperTeam *)team
  • Callback for removing a group
objc@protocol NIMTeamManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 *  Callback for removing a group
 *  @param team removed group
- (void)onTeamRemoved:(NIMSuperTeam *)team

Group notifications

The message type of group notification is NIMMessageTypeNotification. After users join a group, the CommsEase server will send a group notification for any changes about the group. Group notification messages are the same as other types of messages, and can be retrieved using the interface in [NIMConversationManager]( for iOS/NIMSDKiOS/Protocols/NIMConversationManager.html).

  • Parse group notifications:

    • Parse the messageObject field of NIMMessage and cast the type to NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent.
    • Parse the content field in NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent and get the superclass NIMNotificationContent. toTime based field in NIMNotificationContent Cast the type of the superclass NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent to NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent based on the notificationType field of NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent.
  • The specific type of group notifications can be parsed using operationType of NIMTeamNotificationContent.

  • After receiving group notifications, the SDK will modify the locally cached group information, and trigger the callback for the delegate event related to the edit event.

  • Group notifications are received in groups. You cannot manually create and send group notifications.

NIMSuperTeamNotificationContent representation:

  • operationType: the event type, indicating which event happens in a group. The notification type is defined in the NIMTeamOperationType enumeration.
  • source: The operator ID of the notification, indicating who performs an operation.
  • targets: A list of target IDs, indicating the targets of the operation.
  • notifyExt: The extension field of the notification, defined by each operation interface that triggers the notification. This field can only be specified by the server API.

For example: To remove a user out of a group, you can call the Server API with the notification extension parameter. After calling the API, the event for the operation is triggered and the notification that the user is removed out of the group is sent. At this time, other group members who receive the notification can read the notifyExt field of NIMTeamNotificationContent to get the extension field defined for the removing a member.

  • attachment: notification attachment used to assist the upper layer for display. The types of group notifications with additional information are:
    • NIMTeamOperationTypeUpdate: the additional information is wrapped as NIMUpdateTeamInfoAttachment type.


  • Edit the mute state of a group
objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Edit the mute state of a group
 *  @param state        group notification state
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateNotifyState:(NIMTeamNotifyState)state
                   inTeam:(NSString *)teamId
               completion:(nullable NIMSuperTeamHandler)completion;


Parameter Type Description
state NIMTeamNotifyState Group notification status.
teamId NSString Group ID
completion NIMSuperTeamHandler Callback for completion.
  • Query the mute status of a group
objc@protocol NIMSuperTeamManager <NSObject>
 *  Query the mute state of a group
 *  @param teamId Group ID
 *  @return state
- (NIMTeamNotifyState)notifyStateForNewMsg:(NSString *)teamId;


Parameter Type Description
teamId NSString Group ID
Was this page helpful?
  • Overview
  • Create a supergroup
  • Get supergroups
  • Get all groups from the local database
  • Get the specified groups from the local database
  • Get specified groups from the cloud
  • Dismiss supergroups
  • Group member management
  • Join a group
  • Request to join a group
  • Verify join requests
  • Invite to join a group
  • Respond to invitations
  • Remove members
  • Leave a group
  • Get the members of a group
  • Get the members of a group
  • Get the specified group member
  • Edit the profile of a group member
  • Edit the group information
  • Listen to changes of group members
  • Check the membership of the current user
  • Transfer the ownership of a group
  • Assign an administrator
  • Unassign administrator
  • Muting
  • Mute specified members
  • Mute all members
  • Check the mute state of a member
  • Manage group information
  • Edit group information
  • Edit the group information
  • Update the group name
  • Update the group avatar
  • Change the verification method for join requests
  • Update the verification method for invitations
  • Update the group introduction
  • Update the group announcement
  • Update the custom field
  • Listen to changes of group attributes
  • Group notifications
  • Do-Not-Disturb