System notifications
Update time: 2024/03/07 11:13:59
System notifications
System notification overview
System notification is a built-in message/notification and its corresponding data structure is SystemMessage
. The notification messages delivered by the CommsEase server to users are used for system event notifications. Notifications of group changes, such as group join requests, group invitation and more. If your apps also manage friend relationships, notifications for adding and deleting friends also belong to this type. System notifications are received and stored by the SDK, and provide simpler unread management.
SystemMessage representation
Field | Type | Description |
attach | String? | The attachment of a system message. |
attachObject | Object? | The parsed object of the attachment of a system notification. |
content | String? | The content of a system notification |
customInfo | String? | the custom information. The custom information is applied for sending invitations to join a group. |
fromAccount | String? | the account that sends a system notification |
messageId | int? | The ID of a system notification. |
status | SystemMessageStatus? | The status of a system notification. |
targetId | String? | The ID of the recipient that receives the system notification. |
Time | int? | The time when a system notification is sent in milliseconds. |
type | SystemMessageType? | The type of a system notification. |
Unread | bool? | Whether a system notification is read. |
Listener for system notifications
Listener for the event of system notifications.
- API prototype
/// Register or unregister the observer for receiving system notifications
/// [observer] The observer. The parameter is the received system message.
/// [register] true: register; false: unregister
Stream<SystemMessage> get onReceiveSystemMsg
The callback is unavailable for web apps.
- Example
dartNimCore.instance.systemMessageService.onReceiveSystemMsg. NimCore.instance.systemMessageService.onReceiveSystemMsg.listen((SystemMessage event) {
Get a system notification
Get a system notification (Android)
- API prototype
dart/// Query the list of system notifications, only applicable to Android apps
Future<NIMResult<List<SystemMessage>>> querySystemMessagesAndroid(int offset,int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
offset | int | Specify an offset from where to start returning data. |
limit | int | The limit of the returned entries from a query. |
- Example
dart// Starting from the first message, query 10 system messages
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Get a system notification
- API prototype
dart /// Get a system notification (iOS, macOS, and Windows)
Future<NIMResult<List<SystemMessage>>> querySystemMessagesIOSAndDesktop(SystemMessage systemMessage,int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
systemMessage | SystemMessage | The earliest system notification. Pass null if no system notifications are sent. |
limit | int | The limit of the returned entries from a query. |
Get system notifications of a specified type (Android)
The SystemMessageType
collection of system message types needs to be passed.
- API prototype
dart /// Query the list of system notifications by type, only applicable to Android apps.
Future<NIMResult<List<SystemMessage>>> querySystemMessageByTypeAndroid(
List<SystemMessageType> types, int offset, int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
types | List<SystemMessageType> | The types of system notifications to be queried |
offset | int | Specify an offset from where to start returning data. |
limit | int | Specify the limit of the number of results that are returned. |
- Example
- Sync method
dartList<SystemMessageType> systemMessageTypeList = [SystemMessageType.addFriend];
// Only query the system notifications of the "add friend" type, start from the beginning, and query 3 system notifications
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
inputParams['offset'] as int, inputParams['limit'] as int);
Get system notifications of a specified type (iOS, macOS, and Windows)
The SystemMessageType
collection of system message types needs to be passed.
- API prototype
/// Get system notifications of a specified type (iOS, macOS, and Windows)
Future<NIMResult<List<SystemMessage>>> querySystemMessageByTypeIOSAndDesktop(
SystemMessage systemMessage,List<SystemMessageType> types,int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
types | List<SystemMessageType> | The types of system notifications to be queried |
systemMessage | SystemMessage | The earliest system notification. Pass null if no system notifications are sent. |
limit | int | Specify the limit of the number of results that are returned. |
Get unread system messages
/// Get all unread system messages
Future<NIMResult<List<SystemMessage>>> querySystemMessageUnread();
Get the unread count of system notifications
Listen to changes of unread count
This interface can monitor changes in the total unread count of system messages.
- API prototype
/// Register or unregister the observer for changes of unread count of system messages
final StreamController<int> onUnreadCountChange =
- Example
dartNimCore.instance.systemMessageService.onUnreadCountChange.listen((int event) {
Get the unread count
Query the number of unread system messages
- API introduction
The unread field in SystemMessage
is used to mark whether the system notification is unread, and this function will return the total number of all unread system notifications.
- API prototype
dart /// Query the number of unread system messages
Future<NIMResult<int>> querySystemMessageUnreadCount();
- Example
dartfinal result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Get the number of unread system messages of specified type
- API prototype
/// Get the number of unread system notifications of a specified type
/// [types] types of system notifications
/// @return the number of unread system messages of a specified type
Future<NIMResult<int>> querySystemMessageUnreadCountByType(
List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Example
dartList<SystemMessageType> systemMessageTypeList = [SystemMessageType.addFriend];
// Get the number of unread system messages of"add friend" type
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Mark as read
Mark all system notifications as read
After this function is called, the number of unread system notifications will be reset to 0.
- API prototype
/// Set all system messages to read and reset the number of the unread system messages to 0.
Future<NIMResult<void>> resetSystemMessageUnreadCount()
- Example
dart// After viewing the system notification list, you can call this function to set the unread value to 0
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Mark all system notifications of a specified type as read
- API prototype
/// Set system messages of a specified type to read
/// [types] types of system notifications
Future<NIMResult<void>> resetSystemMessageUnreadCountByType(
List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Example
dartList<SystemMessageType> systemMessageTypeList = [SystemMessageType.addFriend];
// Set system notifications of "add friend" type to read
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Mark a system notification as read
- API prototype
/// Set a system message to read
/// [messageId] The ID of a system notification.
Future<NIMResult<void>> setSystemMessageRead(int messageId);
- Example
dartfinal result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Delete system notifications
Delete all system notifications
Delete all the system messages..
- API prototype
/// Delete all system notifications
Future<NIMResult<void>> clearSystemMessages();
- Example
dartfinal result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService.clearSystemMessages();
Deleted system notifications of a specified type
Delete system messages of a specified type. See SystemMessageType
for types.
- API prototype
/// Delete system notifications of a specified type.
Future<NIMResult<void>> clearSystemMessagesByType( List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
types | List<SystemMessageType> | The types of system notifications. |
- Example
dartList<SystemMessageType> systemMessageTypeList = [SystemMessageType.addFriend];
// Delete system notifications of "add friend" type
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Delete a system notification
- API prototype
/// Delete a system notification.
/// [messageId] The ID of a specified system notification.
Future<NIMResult<void>> deleteSystemMessage(int messageId);
- Example
dart final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Set the state of system messages
- API introduction
For the system notification status enumeration, see SystemMessageStatus
. In addition to providing five built-in statuses: unhandled, passed, rejected, ignored, and expired, five custom extension types are provided for third-party developers use. After the user has processed the system notification, call setSystemMessageStatus to update the system notification status.
- API prototype
/// Set the status of system notifications. After system notifications are handled, the method can be called to update the state of system notifications.
Future<NIMResult<void>> setSystemMessageStatus(
int messageId, SystemMessageStatus status);
- Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
messageId | int | The ID of a system notification. |
status | SystemMessageStatus | The status of a system notification to be updated |
SystemMessageStatus attributes
Parameter | Type | Description |
declined | Enum type | The notification is declined. |
expired | Enum type | The notification is expired. |
extension1 | Enum type | Custom enum type 1 |
extension2 | Enum type | Custom enum type 2 |
extension3 | Enum type | Custom enum type 3 |
extension4 | Enum type | Custom enum type 4 |
extension5 | Enum type | Custom enum type 5 |
ignored | Enum type | The system notification is ignored. |
init | Enum type | The initial status of a system notification. |
passed | Enum type | The system notification is handled. |
- Example
dart// Set the state of system messages to expired
SystemMessageStatus status = SystemMessageStatus.expired;
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
.setSystemMessageStatus(message.getMessageId(), status);
Custom system notifications
In addition to the built-in system notification, the NIM SDK also provides an additional custom system to facilitate the notification of business logic, such as that the peer is typing.... This notification can be initiated by either the client or the app server.
Note that custom messages belongs to the messaging system of CommsEase, which is suitable for conversations, stored in the message database by the SDK, and displayed to users together with other built-in message types of CommsEase. Custom notifications are used for third-party event status notifications, and the SDK does not store, count unread counts, or parse these notifications. The SDK transmits and notify these events. The upper layer of your app can handle the persistence of custom notifications.
is handle custom notifications.
CustomNotification interface
Parameter | Type | Description |
apnsText | String | The body of a push notification. |
config | CustomNotificationConfig | Options for configure custom notifications. For more information, see CustomNotificationConfig |
content | String | The content of a custom notification. |
fromAccount | String | The account that sends a specified notification. |
nIMAntiSpamOption | NIMAntiSpamOption | The content moderation configuration. |
pushPayload | Map<String, Object> | The payload object for a push notification. |
sessionId | String | The ID of a chat object (friend account or group ID). |
sessionType | SessionTypeEnum | Session type |
time | int | Time when a notification is sent in milliseconds. |
sendToOnlineUserOnly | bool | Whether a notification is sent only to onle users or groups. |
CustomNotificationConfig representation
Field | Type | Description |
enablePush | bool | Whether a notification is delivered using the push service (including message alerts on Android.). The default value is true. |
enablePushNick | bool | Whether a notification requires the nickname in the push notification (for iOS apps only). If the value is set to false, the nickname will not be displayed on iOS devices when the notification is received. The default value is false |
enableUnreadCount | bool | Whether a notification is counted as unread. If the value is set to true, the option changes the unread count when the notification is received. The default value is true |
Send a custom system notification
- API prototype
/// Send a custom system notification
/// The SDK sends the message in pass-through mode, the status of the custom system notification is not be recorded. However, you can set a callback to track the result of the operation.
/// [notification] custom notification
Future<NIMResult<void>> sendCustomNotification(CustomNotification notification);
- Example
// Add the content of a notification. For scalability, the JSON format is used and "id" is used as the type.
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("id", "2");
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("body", "the_content_for_display");
data.put("url", "url_of_the_game_or_anything_else");
json.put("data", data);
// configure CustomNotificationConfig
CustomNotificationConfig config = CustomNotificationConfig(enablePush:true,enableUnreadCount:true);
// Create a custom system notification and specify the recipients
CustomNotification notification = CustomNotification(sessionId: receiverId,sessionType:sessionType,content: json.toString(),apnsTest:"the_content_for_apns",config:config)
// Send a custom notification
final result = await NimCore.instance.systemMessageService
Receive custom system notifications
- API prototype
/// Register or unregister the observer for receiving custom notifications
/// [observer] The observer. The parameter is the received custom message.
/// [register] true: register; false: unregister
final StreamController<CustomNotification> onCustomNotification =
- Example
dartNimCore.instance.systemMessageService.onCustomNotification.listen((CustomNotification event) {