Activate chat room
Update time: 2024/03/07 11:13:40
Chat rooms apply a multi-layer architecture design that can handle large-scale workloads with an unlimited number of participants,and can meet the real-time requirements of messaging. Chat rooms are used for live streaming activities in entertainment and education The chat room is a paid extension capability that are available after you upgrade from IM Basic to IM Pro. This document describes how to activate the chat room service.
Activate the chat room service by upgrading to IM Pro
Chat rooms are available when you upgrade IM Free to IM Pro.
You have logged in to the CommsEase console and created an application for your app.
In the left-side navigation pane, click Application and select the application for which you want to upgrade to IM Pro. Go to the details page of the application.
Click Upgrade to IM Pro.
In the Extension services, select Chat room.
After completing other settings, such as estimated DAU and the number of months, confirm the actual purchase amount, and select **I have read and agree to the "CommsEase Terms of Service" after you read it.
Click Submit to complete the upgrade of IM Pro and activate the chat room service.
Activate the chat room service after upgrade
If you do not choose to activate chat room when upgrading to IM Pro, you can follow the steps below to activate the chat room service.
The application that requires the chat room service is already upgraded to IM Pro.
- In the left-side navigation pane, click Application and select the application for which you want to to activate the chat room. Go to the details page of the application.
Click Activate services and permissions.
Select Extensions->Chat room, and enable the switch.
If the chat room service is activated, you are directed to the following page.
- (Optional) Enable the broadcast message across chat rooms and messaging callback.