SuperTeamService class Null safety




hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
read-only, inherited
onMemberRemove Stream<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>
Listen to the removal of group members. Once the event occurs, a notification will be sent to group members about the removal. observer: The Observer interface, whose parameters is the list of group members that are removed from the group.
read / write
onMemberUpdate Stream<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>
Listen to the changes of the member profiles. Once the event occurs, a notification will be sent to group members about the changes. If the application layer manages the cache of the group member profiles, the current user can call the API to update the cache. observer: The Observer interface, whose parameter is the list of the updated member profiles. register true: register the Observer interface, false: unregister
onSuperTeamRemove Stream<NIMSuperTeam>
Listen to the removal of the group.
onSuperTeamUpdate Stream<List<NIMSuperTeam>>
Listen to the changes of the group profile.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
read-only, inherited


acceptInvite(String teamId, String inviter) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Accept the invitation to join a group. teamId The group ID inviter The IM account (accid) of the user who sends the invitation.
addManagers(String teamId, List<String> accountList) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
Assign the admin role to specific group members. Only the group admin has the permission for this operation. teamId The group ID accountList Accounts that need to be assigned with the admin role
addMembers(String teamId, List<String> accountList, String msg) Future<NIMResult<List<String>>>
Invite other users to join the group. teamId The group ID accountList The IM accounts (accid) of the users to be added to the group. msg The remark (maximum length: 5,000)
applyJoinTeam(String teamId, String postscript) Future<NIMResult<NIMSuperTeam>>
Request to join a group. The user will wait for the request to be approved or join the group directly after sending the request. At the same time, the group information will be returned. teamId The group ID postscript The remark (maximum length: 5,000)
declineInvite(String teamId, String inviter, String reaseon) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Reject the invitation to join a group. teamId The group ID inviter The IM account (accid) of the user who sends the invitation. reason The rejection reason (maximum length: 5,000)
muteAllTeamMember(String teamId, bool mute) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Mute all group members. Mute all group members. Only the group owner and group admins have permission for the operation. teamId The group ID mute true: mute, false: unmute
muteTeam(String teamId, NIMTeamMessageNotifyTypeEnum notifyType) Future<NIMResult<void>>
The Do Not Disturb settings for group messages Specify the notification mode for the group. teamId The group ID notifyType Specify the notification mode (Notify Group Members of All Group Messages, Notify Group Members of Messages Sent by Admin, or not Notify)
muteTeamMember(String teamId, List<String> accountList, bool mute) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Mute or unmute the specified members. The group owner and group admins have permission to mute or unmute normal users. teamId The group ID accountList Accounts that need to be muted or unmuted mute true: mute, false: unmute
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a non-existent method or property is accessed.
passApply(String teamId, String account) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Approve the request to join the group.
Only the admins and group owner have the permission to approve the request. teamId The group ID account The ID of the user who requests to join the group.
queryMemberList(String teamId) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
Get the group member list. teamId The group ID
queryMemberListByPage(String teamId, int offset, int limit) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
Get group members by page. teamId The group ID offset The offset limit Specify the maximum members that can be got (upper limit: 200)
queryMutedTeamMembers(String teamId) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
Query the muted members. The API only returns the muted users if it is called successfully. If you need to query the mute status of the group as a whole, call Team#getMuteMode or Team#isAllMute. teamId The group ID
queryTeam(String teamId) Future<NIMResult<NIMSuperTeam>>
Get group information. If no group information exists in the local database, the SDK will query the group information from the CommsEase IM server. If the current user is not in the group, the API might return obsolete information. If the current user needs the latest data, please call searchTeam(String teamId). teamId Group ID
queryTeamList() Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeam>>>
Get the list of groups that the current user has joined.
queryTeamListById(List<String> idList) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeam>>>
Get the information about multiple groups by group IDs at a time. idList The list of group IDs
queryTeamMember(String teamId, String account) Future<NIMResult<NIMSuperTeamMember>>
Get the specified group member. teamId The group ID account Specify the group member.
quitTeam(String teamId) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Leave a group. teamId The group ID
rejectApply(String teamId, String account, String reason) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Reject the request to join the group. Only the admins and group owner have the permission to reject the request. teamId The group ID account The IM account (accid) of the user who requests to join the group. reason The reason why the invitation was rejected (maximum length: 5,000)
removeManagers(String teamId, List<String> accountList) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
Unassign the admin role from specific group members. Only the group owner has the permission for this operation. teamId The group ID accountList Accounts that need to be unassigned from the admin role
removeMembers(String teamId, List<String> members) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Remove a group member. Only the group owner has the permission. teamId The group ID members The IM accounts (accid) of the users who need to be removed from the group.
searchTeam(String teamId) Future<NIMResult<NIMSuperTeam>>
Query group information from the CommsEase IM server. teamId The group ID
searchTeamIdByName(String name) Future<NIMResult<List<String>>>
Search group IDs by group name. name The group name
searchTeamsByKeyword(String keyword) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeam>>>
Search groups by keyword on the local client. keyword The keyword for search
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transferTeam(String teamId, String account, bool quit) Future<NIMResult<List<NIMSuperTeamMember>>>
The group owner transfer the group ownership to another user. The former group owner becomes a normal member. teamId The group ID account The IM account (accid) of the new owner quit Specify whether to leave the group when transferring group ownership.
updateMemberNick(String teamId, String account, String nick) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Modify a member's group nickname. Only the group owner and group admins have permission to perform the operation. teamId The group ID account The IM account (accid) of the user whose nickname needs to be modified nick The new nickname
updateMyMemberExtension(String teamId, Map<String, Object> extension) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Modify the current user's extension field (maximum length: 32 characters) teamId The group ID extension The extension field, i.e., the current user's custom attribute
updateMyTeamNick(String teamId, String nick) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Modify the nickname of the current user displayed in the group. teamId The group ID nick The new nickname
updateTeamFields(String teamId, NIMTeamUpdateFieldRequest request) Future<NIMResult<void>>
Modify multiple fields of the group.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.