queryMySessionList method Null safety

Future<NIMResult<RecentSessionList>> queryMySessionList(
  1. int minTimestamp,
  2. int maxTimestamp,
  3. int needLastMsg,
  4. int limit,
  5. int hasMore

【Conversation service】Obtain conversations by page.

[minTimestamp] Specify the start time (Unix timestamp, unit: ms) for getting conversations. If 0 is passed, all conversations will be obtained.

[maxTimestamp] Specify the end time (Unix timestamp, unit: ms) for getting conversations.

[needLastMsg] Specify whether the last messages are required to be contained in the obtained conversations. 0: not required, 1: required, default: 1.

[limit] Specify the maximum results (upper limit: 100, default: 100)

[hasMore] Ignore this parameter.


Future<NIMResult<RecentSessionList>> queryMySessionList(int minTimestamp,
    int maxTimestamp, int needLastMsg, int limit, int hasMore) {
  return _platform.queryMySessionList(
      minTimestamp, maxTimestamp, needLastMsg, limit, hasMore);