System Notification
Update time: 2024/08/20 15:45:46
System notification is built-in message CommsEase system and corresponding data structure is SystemMessage
. The notification messages pushed from CommsEase server to users are used for event notifications of CommsEase system. System notifications mainly include team change notifications, such as application for joining a team and team invitation. If the third-party app also hosts friendship, addition and removal of friends are also included into this type of notification. System notifications are received and stored by SDK that supports simple management of unread count.
SystemMessage interface:
Return | SystemMessage interface | Description |
String | getAttach() | Get attachment of system notification. |
Object | getAttachObject() | Get object after analysis for attachment of system notification. |
String | getContent() | Get content of system notification. |
String | getCustomInfo() | Get user-defined information. It can be set only when members are invited and added to the group. |
String | getFromAccount() | Account of system notification sender. |
long | getMessageId() | Get ID of system notification. |
SystemMessageStatus | getStatus() | Get processing state of system notification. |
String | getTargetId() | Get target ID of system notification. |
long | getTime() | Get the time of sending system notification, unit: ms. |
SystemMessageType | getType() | Get the type of system notification. |
boolean | isUnread() | Determine that the system notification is read. |
void | setAttach(String attach) | Set attachment content of system notification. |
void | setAttachObject(Object object) | Set attachment object after analysis. |
void | setContent(String content) | Set content of system notification. |
void | setFromAccount(String fromAccount) | Set account of message sender. |
void | setMessageId(long messageId) | Set ID of system notification. |
void | setStatus(SystemMessageStatus status) | Set processing state of system notification. |
void | setTargetId(String targetId) | Set target ID of system notification. |
void | setTime(long time) | Set sending time of system notification. |
void | setType(int type) | Set type of system notification. |
void | setUnread(boolean unread) | Set and alter system notification to "Read/Unread". |
Listening for system notifications
The API is used to listen for the events that trigger specific system notifications.
- API prototype
* Register or unregister the observer for system notification receiving event.
* @param observer - Observer. The parameter is received system message.
* @param register true indicates registered, and true indicates unregistered.
public void observeReceiveSystemMsg(Observer<SystemMessage> observer, boolean register);
- Example
.observeReceiveSystemMsg(new Observer<SystemMessage>() {
public void onEvent(SystemMessage message) {
// The system notification is received, and related operations can be made.
}, register);
System notifications
Getting system notifications
- API prototype
* Query the list of system notifications
* @return InvocationFuture - Configurable callback feature. The parameter is list of system notifications.
// asynchronous
public InvocationFuture<List<SystemMessage>> querySystemMessages(int offset, int limit);
// synchronous
public List<SystemMessage> querySystemMessagesBlock(int offset, int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Description |
offset | Offset quantity of database query |
limit | Quantity of database query |
- Example
1. Asynchronous interface
java// Start from 10 messages and query 10 system notifications
NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class).querySystemMessages(10, 10)
.setCallback(new RequestCallback<List<SystemMessage>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<SystemMessage> param) {
// Query successful
public void onFailed(int code) {
// Query failed
public void onException(Throwable exception) {
// error
2. Synchronous interface
java// The parameter is that offset messages have been queried now, and limit is to continue querying limit messages.
List<SystemMessage> temps = NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class).querySystemMessagesBlock(offset, limit);
Getting system notifications of a specified type
The system message type SystemMessageType
is required.
- API prototype
* Query the list of system notifications by type.
* @return - Set of system notifications of specified type
// synchronous
public List<SystemMessage> querySystemMessageByTypeBlock(List<SystemMessageType> types, int offset, int limit);
// asynchronous
public InvocationFuture<List<SystemMessage>> querySystemMessageByType(List<SystemMessageType> types, int offset, int limit);
- Parameters
Parameter | Description |
types | Set of system notification type to be queried |
offset | Offset quantity of database query |
limit | Quantity of database query |
- Example
1. Synchronous interface
javaList<SystemMessageType> types = new ArrayList<>();
// Query "Add friends" type system notifications only, start from the beginning to query 3 notifications.
List<SystemMessage> temps = NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class)
.querySystemMessageByTypeBlock(types, 0, 3);
2. Asynchronous interface
javaList<SystemMessageType> types = new ArrayList<>();
// Query "Add friends" type system notifications only, start from the beginning to query 3 notifications.
NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class).querySystemMessageByType(types, 0, 3)
.setCallback(new RequestCallback<List<SystemMessage>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<SystemMessage> param) {
// Successful query
public void onFailed(int code) {
// Query failure
public void onException(Throwable exception) {
// error
Getting the unread count of system notifications
* Get all unread system notifications
* @return - Configurable callback feature. The parameter is set of all unread system notifications.
InvocationFuture<java.util.List<SystemMessage>> querySystemMessageUnread();
Unread count of system notifications
Listening for changes in total unread count
The change in a total number of unread system messages can be tracked using this interface.
- API prototype
* Register or cancel observer forunread count change event of system notifications.
* @param observer - The parameter is unread count of current system messages.
* @param register true indicates registered, and true indicates unregistered.
public void observeUnreadCountChange(Observer<Integer> observer, boolean register);
- Example
.observeUnreadCountChange(sysMsgUnreadCountChangedObserver, register);
private Observer<Integer> sysMsgUnreadCountChangedObserver = new Observer<Integer>() {
public void onEvent(Integer unreadCount) {
// Update change in unread count
Getting the unread count
Queryig the total unread count
The attribute "unread" in SystemMessage
is used to mark that the system notification is unread. The feature will return total number of unread system notifications.
- API prototype
* Query total unread count of system notifications
* @return - Total unread count of system notifications
public int querySystemMessageUnreadCountBlock();
- Example
javaint unread = NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class).querySystemMessageUnreadCountBlock();
Total unread count of specified type
- API prototype
* Query total unread count of system notifications of specified type
* @param types - Set of system notification types
* @return - Total unread count of system notifications of specified type
public int querySystemMessageUnreadCountByType(List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Example
javaList<SystemMessageType> types = new ArrayList<>();
// Query total unread count of system notifications of "Add friends" type
int unread = NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class)
Mark as read
Mark all notifications as read
The unread count of system notifications becomes 0 after the operation is performed.
- API prototype
* Set all system notifications to acknowledged. The total unread count of system notifications will be cleared.
public void resetSystemMessageUnreadCount();
- Example
java// After accessing the list of system notifications, you can set the unread count to 0.
Markig specified notification types as read
- API prototype
* Set system notifications of specified type to "acknowledged"
* @param types - Set of system notification types
public void resetSystemMessageUnreadCountByType(List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Example
javaList<SystemMessageType> types = new ArrayList<>();
// Set system notifications of "Add friends" type to "acknowledged"
Mark a notification as read
- API prototype
* Set a system notification as "Acknowledged"
* @param messageId - ID of system notification
public void setSystemMessageRead(long messageId);
- Example
Deleting system notifications
Deleting all system notifications
All system notifications can be deleted using this interface.
- API prototype
* Delete all system notifications
public void clearSystemMessages();
- Example
Deleting system notifications of specified type
The specified type of system notification can be deleted using the API. For more information about types of notifications, see SystemMessageType
- API prototype
* Delete specified type of system notifications
public void clearSystemMessagesByType(List<SystemMessageType> types);
- Parameters
Parameter | Description |
types | Set of system notification type |
- Example
javaList<SystemMessageType> types = new ArrayList<>();
// Delete system notifications of "Add friends" type only
Deleting a system notification
- API prototype
* Delete a system notification
* @param messageId - The ID of the specified system notification.
public void deleteSystemMessage(long messageId);
- Example
Changing the system notification state
The states of system notifications are described in SystemMessageStatus
. In addition to five built-in states, such as initail, passed, declined, ignored, and expired, five user-defined extension types are provided for the third-party developers. When the user handles system notifications, "setSystemMessageStatus" is called to update the state of a system notification.
- API prototype
* Set status of system notification Users can invoke this feature to update after handling system notifications.
public void setSystemMessageStatus(long messageId, SystemMessageStatus status);
- Parameters
Parameter | Description |
messageId | ID of system notification |
status | State to be updated |
SystemMessageStatus attribute:
Parameter | Description |
declined | The declined state |
expired | The expired state |
extension1 | User-defined extension type 1 by developers. |
extension2 | User-defined extension type 2 by developers. |
extension3 | User-defined extension type 3 by developers. |
extension4 | User-defined extension type 4 by developers. |
extension5 | User-defined extension type 5 by developers. |
ignored | The ignored state |
init | The initial state |
passed | The passed state |
- Example
java// Take "Set status of system notification to expired" for an example
SystemMessageStatus status = SystemMessageStatus.expired;
NIMClient.getService(SystemMessageService.class).setSystemMessageStatus(message.getMessageId(), status);
User-defined system notifications
In addition to built-in system notifications, NIM SDK allows developers to build custom system notifications based on the business requirements, such as the typing indictor. The notification may be sent by either the client or the developer server.
Note: The difference between custom notifications and custom messages is that the latter is in the NIM SDK message system and applies to sessions, and the latter is stored by SDK in the message database, and displayed to users together with other built-in message types of NIM SDK. However, custom notifications are mainly used for the notification of some event status of a third party, which SDK will not store, nor include in unread, nor analyze. SDK only helps the third party send and notify these events, while the persistence work after receiving user-defined notification will be undertaken by the upper developer.
The data structure is CustomNotification
CustomNotification interface:
Return | Method | Description |
String | getApnsText() | Get APNS text. |
CustomNotificationConfig | getConfig() | Configuration option of user-defined notification. See "CustomNotificationConfig". |
String | getContent() | Get detailed message content. |
String | getFromAccount() | Get account of the notification sender. |
NIMAntiSpamOption | getNIMAntiSpamOption() | Get anti-spam configuration |
Map | getPushPayload() | Get push configuration. |
String | getSessionId() | Get ID of chat object (friend account, team ID.) |
SessionTypeEnum | getSessionType() | Get session type. |
long | getTime() | Get message time. Unit: ms. |
boolean | isSendToOnlineUserOnly() | Determine that the message is sent to current online users/teams only. |
void | setApnsText(String apnsText) | Set push content. |
void | setConfig(CustomNotificationConfig config) | Set configuration option of user-defined notification. |
void | setContent(String content) | Set message content. |
void | setFromAccount(String fromAccount) | Set account of notification sender. |
void | setNIMAntiSpamOption(NIMAntiSpamOption antiSpamOption) | Set anti-spam configuration. |
void | setPushPayload(Map pushPayload) | Set APNS attributes. |
void | setSendToOnlineUserOnly(boolean sendToOnlineUserOnly) | Set that the message is sent to current online users/teams. |
void | setSessionId(String sessionId) | Set ID of chat object. |
void | setSessionType(SessionTypeEnum sessionType) | Set session type. |
void | setTime(long time) | Set message time. |
CustomNotificationConfig attribute:
CustomNotificationConfig attribute | Description |
enablePush | Enable push for the notification (including Android message reminding) It is "true" by default. |
enablePushNick | Enable push display name for the notification (applicable to iOS client). If it is "false", then push display name will not be displayed at iOS client when notification is received by the recipient. It is "false" by default. |
enableUnreadCount | Enable unread count for the notification. If it is "true", then the recipient can read this configuration option to determine change in unread count of services after receiving notification. It is "true" by default. |
Sending user-defined system notifications
- API prototype
* Send a User-defined system notification.
* SDK only transfers the message and therefore will not record status of directive message, but can set the callback feature to monitor the sending result.
* @param notification - Directive messages.
* @return InvocationFuture - Configurable callback feature. It can monitor the sending result.
public InvocationFuture<Void> sendCustomNotification(CustomNotification notification);
- Example
java// Construct custom notification, and specify recipient.
CustomNotification notification = new CustomNotification();
// Create detailed content of notification For extendibility, json format can be used here to distinguish the type by "ID".
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("id", "2");
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("body", "the_content_for_display");
data.put("url", "url_of_the_game_or_anything_else");
json.put("data", data);
// If the recipient is not online, he will receive the User-defined system notification next time when he is online again. If it is set to "true", the recipient cannot receive the notification next time when he is online again.
// Configure CustomNotificationConfig.
CustomNotificationConfig config = new CustomNotificationConfig();
// Require push
config.enablePush = true;
config.enableUnreadCount = true;
// Configured push text.
// Custom push attribute.
Map<String,Object> pushPayload = new HashMap<>();
pushPayload.put("key1", "payload 1");
pushPayload.put("key2", 2015);
* Send custom notification
Receiving user-defined system notifications
- API prototype
* Register or cancel the observer for receiving custom notification.
* @param observer - Observer. The parameter is received custom notification.
* @param register true indicates registered, and true indicates unregistered.
public void observeCustomNotification(Observer<CustomNotification> observer, boolean register);
- Example
java// If there are custom notifications that are used globally and not dependent on a certain Activity, the code must be invoked in onCreate under Application.
NIMClient.getService(MsgServiceObserve.class).observeCustomNotification(new Observer<CustomNotification>() {
public void onEvent(CustomNotification message) {
// The custom notification is processed here.
}, register);