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Create Accounts

Update time: 2024/08/20 15:45:46

An Instant Messaging (IM) account is the unique identifier of a user in the IM system and can use various IM services in your application.

If you integrate CommsEase IM with your app, you must register IM accounts and associate them with your app accounts. You can register multiple IM accounts based on your business needs for the account system of your app.

Sign up a CommsEase IM account for the following scenarios:

  • If you have specific business requirements, you can register an IM account using the server API. For more information, see Register a CommsEase IM account.
  • - To use IM for a quick test, create an account in the CommsEase console. You can create an account following the steps described in this topic. ::: note notice
  • To protect the privacy and security of business accounts, it is necessary to distinguish between test accounts and business accounts. The accounts registered using the server API will not appear in the account list in the CommsEase console.
  • If you register an account using the server API, CommsEase returns accid and token for your account. You can manage the accid and token of your accounts in your app server. :::

This topic describes how to create a test account in the CommsEase console.


A project has been created in the CommsEase console. For more information, see Create Project.

Create an IM account

  1. Log in to the CommsEase console.

  2. In the left navigation pane, click the specified project name and go to the details page of the project.

  3. In the Product Management section, click Account Management.


  1. On the test page, click New.


  1. Fill out account, nickname, and password, then click OK.


  • Account: accid
  • Password: token
  • Nickname:name
  1. (Optional) For the created test accounts, you can edit the nickname, reset the password, and ban the account in the CommsEase console.

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  • Prerequisites
  • Create an IM account