User Relationship
Update time: 2023/02/09 08:11:48
is used to manage user relations and apply settings for messages in a session. If the user relation data is not stored on the CommsEase server, you must manage the user relation data on the app server.
Instant Messaging provides three built-in user relationships: friends, blocklist, and Do-Not-Disturb. The three relationships are independent of each other and do not affect each other.
Friend relationship
Get friend relationship
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Return a friend list
* @return NIMUser list
- (nullable NSArray<NIMUser *> *)myFriends;
The friend list has a local cache, and the cache will be automatically updated with the server after manual/automatic login. The interface returns a list of NIMUser
. NIMUser
wraps the friend ID managed on the CommsEase server, the friend's session settings (whether a message alert is required and whether the user is blocked.), and the user's detailed information NIMUserInfo
(user information must be stored on the CommsEase server.
Manage friends
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Manage friends
* @param request The request to manage friends
* @param completion Callback for completion
- (void)requestFriend:(NIMUserRequest *)request
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
operation | NIMUserOperation | Operation type |
message | NSString | Additional message |
Operation types:
Type | Description |
NIMUserOperationAdd | Add a friend without verification |
NIMUserOperationRequest | Send a friend request |
NIMUserOperationVerify | Verify a friend request |
NIMUserOperationReject | Reject a friend request |
Friend requests include add a friend without verification and approve/reject a friend request.
objcNIMUserRequest *request = [[NIMUserRequest alloc] init];
request.userId = self.user.usrId; //The user ID
request.operation = NIMUserOperationRequest; //The verification method
request.message = @"make a friend"; //The custom message for verification.
Listen for friend operations
After performing friend operations, the target user will receive a system notification message NIMSystemNotification
, which can be monitored by registering addDelegate:
in NIMSystemNotificationManager
. For more information, see System notifications.
Set the value of
NIMSystemNotification - Type
. -
NIMSystemNotification - sourceID
is the account that perform the operation. -
NIMSystemNotification - targetID
is the ID of a target account. -
Set the value of
NIMSystemNotification - attachment
. Cast the received value type. -
NIMUserAddAttachment - operationType
have the following subtypes:- NIMUserOperationAdd: Add a friend without verification
- NIMUserOperationRequest: Send a friend request
- NIMUserOperationVerify: Verify a friend request
- NIMUserOperationReject: Reject a friend request
Listen to changes of friend relations
If the friend relationship changes, a callback will be triggered:
objc@protocol NIMUserManagerDelegate <NSObject>
* Friends status changes (online)
* @param user User object
- (void)onFriendChanged:(NIMUser *)user;
Delete a friend
The friend relationship between users can be canceled.
* Delete a friend
* @param userId Friend ID
* @param remove specify whether remarks are deleted
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)deleteFriend:(NSString *)userId
completion:(nullable NIMUserBlock)completion;
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
remove | BOOL | Whether remarks are deleted. |
NIMUserBlock | NIMUserBlock | Callback for completion. |
Check for friend relationship
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Check if the user is included in the friend list
* @param userId User ID
* @return relationship
- (BOOL)isMyFriend:(NSString *)userId;
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
Edit the nickname of a friend
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* @param user Target user
- (void)updateUser:(NIMUser *)user
completion:(nullable NIMUserBlock)completion;
You cannot receive messages from users in the blocklist.
Get the blocklist
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Return all users included in the blacklist
* @return List of NIMUser included in the blacklist
- (nullable NSArray<NIMUser *> *)myBlackList;
The blocklist list has a local cache, and the cache will be automatically updated with the server after manual/automatic login. The interface returns a list of NIMUser
. NIMUser
wraps the friend ID managed on the CommsEase server, the friend's session settings (whether a message alert is required and whether the user is blocked.), and the user's detailed information NIMUserInfo
(user information must be stored on the CommsEase server.
Add a user to the blocklist
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Add a user to the blacklist
* @param userId User ID
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)addToBlackList:(NSString *)userId
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
NIMUserBlock | NIMUserBlock | Callback for completion. |
Remove a user from the blocklist
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Remove a user from the blacklist
* @param userId User ID
*@param completion Completion callback
- (void)removeFromBlackBlackList:(NSString *)userId
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
NIMUserBlock | NIMUserBlock | Callback for completion. |
Listen to changes of the blocklist
If a target user is added to the blocklist, the local cache will be updated at the same time, and the callback will be triggered:
objc@protocol NIMUserManagerDelegate <NSObject>
* Blacklist changes (online)
- (void)onBlackListChanged;
Check whether an account is included in the blocklist
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Check if a user is included in the blacklist
* @param userId User ID
* @return result
- (BOOL)isUserInBlackList:(NSString *)userId;
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
Get the Do-Not-Disturb list
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Do-Not-Disturb list
* @return List of NIMUser with notifications muted
- (NSArray<NIMUser *> *)myMuteUserList;
The muted list has a local cache, and the cache will be automatically updated with the server after manual/automatic login. The interface returns a list of NIMUser
. NIMUser
wraps the friend ID managed on the CommsEase server, the friend's session settings (whether a message alert is required and whether the user is blocked.), and the user's detailed information NIMUserInfo
(user information must be stored on the CommsEase server.
Set the mute status
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Set the mute status
* @param notify enable or disable the alert
* @param userId User ID
* @param completion Completion callback
- (void)updateNotifyState:(BOOL)notify
forUser:(NSString *)userId
completion:(nullable NIMUserBlock)completion
Parameter | Type | Description |
notify | BOOL | Whether alerts are enabled for notifications |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |
NIMUserBlock | NIMUserBlock | Callback for completion. |
After the setting is applied, the local cached data will be updated at the same time.
Listen to changes of the Do-Not-Disturb list
objc@protocol NIMUserManagerDelegate <NSObject>
* The list of muted members changes (online)
- (void)onMuteListChanged;
Check accounts for Do-Not-Disturb
objc@protocol NIMUserManager <NSObject>
* Whether a user is muted for new messages
* @param userId User ID
* @return the result
- (BOOL)notifyForNewMsg:(NSString *)userId;
Parameter | Type | Description |
userId | NSString | Target user ID |