
Update time: 2022/09/02 03:19:33

Before enabling SDK features, you must call NIM.ClientAPI.Init function for initialization. The function is declared using the following code.

csharppublic static bool Init(string appDataDir, string appInstallDir = "", NimUtility.NimConfig config = null)
  • appDataDir: The data cache directory must have read-write permission. All SDK data is stored in the directory.
  • appInstallDir: Installation directory for program, unavailable temporarily
  • config: SDK configuration. Some behaviors of SDK can be customized by setting the parameter. It is not required to update default setting, and null shall be retained.

The login can be executed only when the function is executed successfully and returns true.

Data Cache Directory

The data cache directory can use independent directory name or complete path. SDK will automatically generate the directory. The directory name can be found under Windows, and the final directory is located in the directory C:\Users\XXX\AppData\Local of current user. We recommend that you use the full path to view the data on Android and iOS platforms.

Settings for Unity demo AppData directory:

csharppublic static string AppDataPath
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_appDataPath))
            if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer)
                _appDataPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/NimUnityDemo";
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.Android)
                string androidPathName = "com.netease.nim_unity_android_demo";
                if (System.IO.Directory.Exists("/sdcard"))
                    _appDataPath = Path.Combine("/sdcard", androidPathName);
                    _appDataPath = Path.Combine(Application.persistentDataPath, androidPathName);
            else if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor ||
            Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer)
                _appDataPath = "NimUnityDemo";
            Debug.Log("AppDataPath:" + _appDataPath);
        return _appDataPath;
  • Installation directory for appInstallDir program, unavailable temporarily
  • config SDK configuration. Some behaviors of SDK can be customized by setting the parameter. It is not required to update default behavior, and null shall be retained.

Description for the Parameter NimConfig

SDK General Configuration Options

SDKCommonSetting includes SDK general configuration options as follows:

Parameter Description
DataBaseEncryptKey Database key, local cache data of encrypted users. Now, it only supports the encryption key with max. 32 characters. 32 characters are recommended
PredownloadAttachmentThumbnail It determines to preload thumbnail of attachment. The value is true by default.
PreloadImageQuality Preloaded image quality, with range 0 to 100.
PreloadImageResize Resizing the pre-loaded image, optional. For example 100x50 means width x height.
LogLevel It configures SDK log level. The higher the level is, the more detailed the log will be. The default level of SDK is Pro.
CustomTimeout It configures timeout duration for login (unit: s). The value is 30s by default.
MaxLoginRetry Maximum retry frequency at the time of failed login due to network
SyncSessionAck Set whether to sync the read and unread status with mulitiple terminals, true by default.
NotNeedSaveCustomMsg Set whether custom (kNIMMessageTypeCustom) messages do not need to be saved, false by default.
UsePriviteServer Whether to use private server, false by default.

Configurations of Private Server

SDKPrivateServerSetting provides configuration options required for using private server. The option shall not be configured when CommsEase public server is used, with parameter description as follows:

Parameter Description
LbsAddress Server LBS address
NOSLbsAddress Private NOS LBS address
LinkServerList List of default CommsEase Link server addresses
UploadServerList List of default NOS server addresses
DownloadServerList List of default NOS download server addresses
AccessServerList Default NOS Access server address
RSAPublicKey RSA public key
RsaVersion RSA key version

SDK Cleanup

When exiting the program, you shall invoke Cleanup to clear up SDK released resources. Cleanup shall be combined with Init.

Was this page helpful?
  • Data Cache Directory
  • Description for the Parameter NimConfig
  • SDK General Configuration Options
  • Configurations of Private Server
  • SDK Cleanup