Host User Relationship

Update time: 2022/11/25 08:12:14

Add a friend

Adds a friend.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


accidStringYesaccid of friend request initiator
faccidStringYesaccid of friend request recipient
typeintYes1 Add friend , 2 Request to add friend, 3 Agree to add friend, 4 Refuse to add friend
msgStringNoRequest message corresponding to adding a friend, to be assembled by third party with up to 256 characters
serverexStringNoServer-side extension field, with a length limited to 256
This field is read-only on the client side, read-written on the server side

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan&faccid=lisi&type=1' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

Updating the friend profile

Updates the friend profile, such as alias. You must be a friend of the peer.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


Parameter Type Required Description
accid String Yes Initiator accid
faccid String Yes Modify friend accid
alias String No Add a alias to friend, with a length limit of 128. You can set to an empty string
ex String No Modify an ex field, with a length limit of 256. You can set to an empty string
serverex String No Modify a serverex field, with a length limit of 256. You can set to an empty string
this field is read-only on the client side, read-written on the server side

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan&faccid=lisi&alias=lisi' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

Removing a friend

Removes a friend.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


accidStringYesInitiator accid
faccidStringYesAccid of a friend to be deleted
isDeleteAliasBooleanNoNotes information for whether deletion is required
false: not required (default), true: required

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan&faccid=lisi' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

Getting the friendship chain

Queries bilateral friendship from a certain point of time to date.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


accidStringYesInitiator accid
updatetimeLongYesUpdate timestamp, friends list will be updated upon return of new timestamp by interface
createtimeLongNo[Deprecated] definition is the same as that of updatetime

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan&createtime=1443599631111' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

Adding a friend to a blocklist or muting a friend

Blocks or unblocks a friend. Mute or unmute a friend.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


accidStringYesUser account, with a maximum length of 32 characters, must be unique
Unique with the APP
targetAccStringYesAccounts that have been blocklisted or muted
relationTypeintYesRelationship type of the operation, 1: blocklist, 2: mute list
valueintYesOperation value, 0: cancel blocklist or mute, 1: add to blocklist or mute list

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan&targetAcc=lisi&relationType=1&value=0' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

View the blocklist and mute list of specified user

Views the blocklist and mute list of users.

Request URL

httpPOST HTTP/1.1

For information about headers in the request, see Overview.


accidStringYesUser account, with a maximum length of 32 characters, must be unique
Unique with the APP

curl request example

curlcurl -X POST -H "AppKey: go9dnk49bkd9jd9vmel1kglw0803mgq3" -H "Nonce: 4tgggergigwow323t23t" -H "CurTime: 1443592222" -H "CheckSum: 9e9db3b6c9abb2e1962cf3e6f7316fcc55583f86" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d 'accid=zhangsan' ''


The data returned in the HTTP response is in JSON format.

json"Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
  "mutelist": [//List of muted accounts
  "Blocklist": [//list of blocklisted accounts
  "code": 200

Valid status codes

200, 403, 414, 416, 431, 500

See Status codes .

Was this page helpful?
  • Add a friend
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes
  • Updating the friend profile
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes
  • Removing a friend
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes
  • Getting the friendship chain
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes
  • Adding a friend to a blocklist or muting a friend
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes
  • View the blocklist and mute list of specified user
  • Request URL
  • Parameters
  • curl request example
  • Response
  • Valid status codes