Statistics Monitoring

Update time: 2022/10/10 09:25:21


CommsEase quality data monitor console is a set of tools for full-link problem tracking and visual data query available to enterprise customer developers and operators. Call the unique user identifier assigned when the CommsEase API updates user profiles.

IM provides data query service in account data, message behaviors, team and chat room.

Query user profile

Log in to the quality data monitor console, and find The API of user profilequery in the IM menu. You can query information on a chat room and troubleshoot related problems.


Parameter Description
Application Choose the app in the list
ACCID Enter a user account. Call the unique user identification specified when the user name card is updated by CommsEase API

Click the "Query" button to query the user-related information, including:

Parameter Description
User nickname The name field in a user name card
Display pictures The icon field in a user name card
Whether to ban users A user is banned. The user who is banned can not log in
Whether to mute users It indicates whether a user is muted globally. Specify whether users are globally muted. The user who is globally muted can not send peer-to-peer messages, team messages, and chat room messages.
Create time Creation time of user name card
Update time Update time of user name card

The information returned in user profile query may help users identify basic account problems, such as:

  1. Failure to log in or initialize IM: pay attention to whether the field is banned.
  2. Failure to send messages: pay attention to whether the field is muted.

Privacy description:

Other information in the user name card, such as email, date of birth, mobile phone number, and gender. In consideration of possible sensitive information, a visual query is not supported. CommsEase recommends filling insensitive information in an extension field, and encrypting the field before the insertion.

Online status query

Log in to the quality data monitor console, and find The API of online status query in the IM menu. It is used to query the current online status of users, devices, and network information.


Parameter Description
Application Choose the app in the list
ACCID Enter a user account. Call the unique user identification specified when the user name card is updated by CommsEase API

Click the "Query" button to query the user-related information, including:

Parameter Description
User nickname The name field in a user name card
User status The current online status of users, including online and offline
Device type Type of online device, including the desktop client (PC, Web) and the mobile client (iOS, Android)
Login time Time of last login
Device ID Identifier of device in CommsEase
Push information It is used to identify push certificate information, including TokenName and PushToken
Network information The network environment where the device stays and the client IP information
Switched to background or not It is used to identify whether the application currently operates at the background

Note: in the event of login on several devices, the online status on each device will be displayed respectively.

The online status query is mainly enabled to identify and solve the problems related to the online status, such as:

  1. Online messaging: make decisions based on online status and network information.
  2. Offline push: check the push certificate and token information.
  3. Easy log pulling: confirm whether users are online to pull and analyze problem logs.

Message history query

Log in to the quality data monitor console, and find The API of message history query in the IM menu. The message history query is used to search the details of message history stored on the cloud in a session. Identify the problem of localization to messages.


Parameter Description
Application Choose the app in the list
Message type Select P2P, team or chat room messages
Sender ACCID Enter a user account. Call the unique user identification specified when the user name card is updated by CommsEase API
Receiver ID Single chat message: receiver ACCID; team chat message: TID; chat room message: ROOMID
Query period Query time range
Filter Option It supports the selection of sort order of message list, the maximum number of messages displayed, ID information to be excluded, etc.
Find Option Find by keywords. It may match the sender ACCID, receiver ACCID, and message content.

Click the "Query" button to query the related message list. Each message includes:

Parameter Description
Sender ID Sender ACCID
Receiver ID Single chat message: receiver ACCID; team chat message: TID; chat room message: ROOMID
Message time Time of recoding message history on server
Message type P2P, team or chat room messages
Client message ID Message ID corresponding to sender client
Server message ID Message ID corresponding to server
Content Message body content
Message details Message body contains all field information

The message history query is used to identify the problem of localization to a message. For example:

  1. Is the message sent from the sender client successfully?
  2. Does the message contain prohibited contents?
  3. What is the ID of the message?
  4. When is the message sent to the server?

Privacy description: The message history query feature is used to test whether a message is sent and identify localization problems. Please take care of the query result to prevent it was used for other purposes.

Chat room information query

Log in to the quality data monitor console, and find The API of chat information query in the IM menu to query chat room-related information. Identify chat room-related problems.

Parameter Description
Application Choose the app in the list
ROOMID It is generated when the chat room is created as a unique identifier of the chat room in CommsEase

Click the "Query" button to query the user-related information, including:

Parameter Description
Chat room name Current name of a chat room
Status Determine the current on/off status of a chat room
Chat room announcement Chat room announcement information
Overall mute status Determine whether the chat room is globally muted
Live streaming URL Live streaming URL of chat room
Total number of online devices Total number of devices connected
System distribution Distribution of device client systems connected
Extension field information Extension field information of a chat room
Creator ACCID information of chat room creator

Chat room-related problems may be searched by querying chat room information, such as:

  1. Chat room connection failed
  2. Failure to send messages in a chat room
  3. Find chat room creator and online user profile

Team Information Query

Log in to the quality data monitor console, and find The API of team profile query in the IM menu to query team-related information. Identify team problems.

Parameters Description
Application Select from the application list by app name
TID Generated at team creation as a unique identifier of chat room in CommsEase

Click the "Query" button to query the user-related information, including:

Parameter Description
Team name Current name of a chat room
Team type ordinary team/advanced team
Creator ACCID Creator ACCID
Valid or not Determine whether a team is valid
Valid members Total number of members in the current team
Create time Team creation time
Update time Recent update time of team profile
Team announcement Team announcement
Extension field Team extension field filled by the developer
Display pictures Team avatar URL
Invitation mode Authentication required/not required
Invitation mode Invitee's consent required/not required
Authority information Authority of invitation to team and modification to team profile

Chat room-related problems may be searched by querying team profile, such as:

  1. Invitation error: failure to join a team or unknown users entering team, in which case it is required to verify the number of team members and team authority, etc.
  2. Find owner and team profile, etc.

Retrieving IM Logs

With regard to complicated problems, CommsEase quality data monitor console supports log pulling and submission to the technological consultant for handling. On the page of IM log pulling, a log pull command may be issued. Online users may upload related logs. Log details may be queried using a log query. Provide related logs to the technical consultant of CommsEase for analysis to facilitate the localization of problems as soon as possible.

Pulling method:

Parameter Description
Application Choose the app in the list
accid Enter a user account. Call the unique user identification specified when the user name card is updated by CommsEase API


  1. Log pull tool (closed beta) is used to help the users rapidly localize the problems, and pull the user logs required to localize the problems;
  2. Logs may be pulled only when end users are online; if users are not online, you may contact them to get online for pulling logs;
  3. Please attach the corresponding logs with the problems fed back to the technical consultant to improve the efficiency of localizing the problems;
  4. Any problem encountered in the process of using the platform may be fed back to the technical consultant.
Was this page helpful?
  • Introduction
  • Query user profile
  • Online status query
  • Message history query
  • Chat room information query
  • Team Information Query
  • Retrieving IM Logs