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Update time: 2024/10/17 10:03:47


CommsEase Instant Messaging (IM) is a cloud-based messaging service that is provided with messaging technical expertise and industrial practice for over 20 years. The IM service provides full-fledged basic instant messaging capabilities. IM allows you to embed instant messaging and real-time optimized network capabilities into your business applications. CommsEase provides a series of products and solutions for different scenarios, including client IM components, client IM base library, SDKs for most platforms, and server APIs. You can build messaging features in your apps using these solutions and create your own instant messaging scenarios without limit. NIM SDK allows you to implement private messaging, instant chat, notifications, and in-game communication. It is also suitable for large-scale social apps, such as WeChat, Messenger, and Discord.




P2P chat

Peer-to-peer chat allows you to send text, image, audio, video, location, file, notification, alert, chatbot, and custom messages. Also, extra features, such as offline messages, roaming messages, multi-device sync, cloud-based message history, and push notifications are available.

For more information, see Messaging

Group chat

You can create advanced groups with IM.

For more information, see Groups

Chat room

A chat room is a looser form than a group. Users can join and leave a chat room at any time. In general, no fixed organization is required for a chat room. You can use chat rooms in scenarios, such as group chats in live streaming and remote learning.

For more information, see Chat room

Managed profiles

CommsEase can manage the user profiles of your messaging app, including account, nickname, gender, avatar, bio, phone number, email, birthday, and extended fields. The service is optional. You can implement your own service for storing user profiles.

To use managed data of user profiles, see:

Managed relationship data

Managed data of user relationship is used to maintain the friend relationship between users, including adding friends, deleting friends, friend lists, blacklists, and more.

To integrate the managed data of user relationship for platforms, see:

Push notifications

The push notification service is an important way to ensure the delivery rate of IM messages on mobile devices. NIM SDK has introduced third-party push notification since v3.2.0 to increase the delivery rate. The supported third-party venders include Google FCM, Xiaomi Push, Huawei Push, OPPO Push, VIVO Push, and Meizu Push. Using NIM SDK, you can quickly access third-party push service on supported devices. If NIM SDK is disconnected from the server, messages sent from contacts will be pushed through the third-party push platform to users, thereby improving the efficiency of message delivery.

To integrate the push services from third parties, see:

  • iOS APNs
  • [Push services from Android venders](/en/docs/TM5MzM5Njk/zc1OTI2MTM?#Push notifications)

Data sync

Data sync is a synchronization service provided by CommsEase. This service allows you to sync data such as messages/events to preset app servers in real time. You can use this service to achieve independent historical message storage, synchronization of user online status, special event handling and more.

For more information, see Data sync.

Event subscription

CommsEase IM v3.6.0 supports event subscription and publishing. IM Demo implements online status display based on event subscription. You can refer to the implementation of event subscription in the demo app and make modifications based on your own scenarios.

For more information about how to implement event subscription, see:

Was this page helpful?
  • Overview
  • Architecture
  • Features
  • P2P chat
  • Group chat
  • Chat room
  • Managed profiles
  • Managed relationship data
  • Push notifications
  • Data sync
  • Event subscription