Main Features

Update time: 2024/08/27 16:02:20

Platform support

Platform SDK and compatibility Demo and source code UI component
iOS Compatible with iOS 8.0 and later Compatible with iOS 9.0 and later Compatible with iOS 9.0 and later
Android Compatible with Android 4.4 and later Supported Supported
Windows C, C++, and C# are included. Compatible with Windows xp (sp2 and later), Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1. Both 32-bit and 64-bit programs can be connected. Supported Supported
Web Compatible with IE9 and later. Such as Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. PC Web and Mobile H5 Demo are included. Supported
macOS Compatible with macOS 10.10. Only supports x86_64 architecture and i386 architecture is not supported. None None
Linux Support x86/x86-x64/ARM/MIPS architecture None None
Unity Android 4.0 and later; iOS 9.0 and later None None
Cocos2d-x Android, Windows(x86), iOS None None

Multi-device login

Only support single-platform. A user can be online on only one of the Windows, Web, Android, and iOS platforms at one time.
A user can be online on PC or Web, Android or iOS. A user can be concurrently online on PC and mobile devices.
A user can be concurrently online on all devices.

You can configure a multi-device login by logging in to the CommsEase Console and clicking App Configuration for the target app to open the Feature Configuration page.

Message types

Type Description
Text The message content is plain text.
Image messages The message content includes the URL, dimensions, and size of the image.
Voice messages The message content includes the URL, dimensions, duration, size, and format of audio files.
Video message The message content includes the URL, dimensions, duration, size, and format of video files.
File messages The message content includes the URL, size, and format of the file. No file format restrictions.
Location messages The message content includes the caption, longitude, and latitude of the location.
Notification message It is mainly used to notify group events and chat room events, without push notification or notification bar
Tip message It is a simplified version of the notification message, without push notification or notification bar
Custom message Message types that are customized by developers, such as red packet and rock-paper-scissor.
System notification message This type of message includes built-in system notification messages and system notification messages customized by developers.
For more information, see Basic message features.


Feature Description
Offline messages Messages are received when a user is offline. When the user logs in, the client SDK will get automatically stored offline messages. One-to-one chat: Offline users can receive the latest 5000 messages sent within 30 days. The maximum number of one session is 100. group chat: Offline users can receive messages sent within 30 days. The maximum number of one session is 100.
Roaming messages When a user logs in on a new device, the historical message storage recorded (on the cloud) by the server is synchronized to the new device.
The SDK automatically includes the 100 sessions within the recent 7 days as roaming messages. Supporting synchronizing the latest 100 messages in each session.
Multi-device synchronization When multiple devices are concurrently online, messages are synchronized and received across multiple devices.
Historical messages Local message history and cloud message history are supported.
The standard IM may get the cloud message history for the recent one year, which can be extended to 3 years at most (value-added feature).
Recall message A successfully delivered message may be recalled within 2 minutes by default. The duration when a message can be recalled may be configured in the user console.
The recall operation only applies to one-to-one chat and group chat messages, instead of chat room messages.
Read receipt Users can check if messages have been read in a one-to-one chat.
Forward messages Users can forward messages to other users or groups.
@mentions Message extension field is used for realization. To mention somebody when sending a group message, a group message may be sent with the mentioned account list with an extension field;
upon receipt of the group message, group members may check whether they are in the mentioned account list; if yes, they will receive a tip "you were mentioned" on The API.
Typing status indicator Refer to Send custom notifications for custom system notifications
Message push Support Apple APNS, Google FCM, MiPush, Huawei Push, OPPO Push, VIVO Push, and other vendors' push.
Third-party callback After sending a message, configure the third-party server to complete authentication. The message will be delivered after the authentication is passed; otherwise, the message will not be delivered.

NOS Cloud Storage

Feature Feature
Storage capacity If you enable the standard edition of IM service, 1TB is available for you. For larger capacity, we provide the value-added service.
Upload and download acceleration The feature allows you to quickly upload and download files with the nearest NOS edge node.
File fast upload Upload large duplicate files without repeated transmission.
Get image information Get the basic image information, such as type, width, and height.
Image cropping Crop an image at a specified location to generate a new image.
Image scaling Based on the image pixel, scale down the image.
Gaussian blur Blur an image by Gaussian noise.
Image rotation Rotate an image based on the specific angle.

User information hosting

Feature Description
Get local user profile You can get user profiles in batches.
Get server user profile You can get user profiles in batches. In most cases, enable the feature when a local user profile does not exist.
Manage user profile Update the profile whose user is logging in.

User relationship hosting

Feature Description
Add friends Users can add friends or set verification requests.
Accept or reject friend requests A user can accept or reject a request of adding friends when receiving a system notification.
Delete a friend After deleting a friend, the friendship between two parties ends. However, two parties can still chat with each other online.
Friend lists By using user profile hosting, get the corresponding profiles of a certain account to have a specific friend list.
Add to a blocklist If a user blacklists a friend, the user will not receive any message or request from the blacklisted friend.
Remove from a blocklist Remove users from a blocklist.
A blocklist Get a blocklist.
Determine whether a user is blocklisted Determine whether a user is in the blocklist.


Feature ordinary group Advanced group
group capacity Pro Edition: 200 per group. Value-added service allows you to have up to 2,000 per group. Pro Edition: 200 per group. Value-added service allows you to have up to 2,000 per group.
Create a group Specify the group type when creating a group. Specify the group type when creating a group.
Attributes of group profiles Name, profile picture, profile, announcement, and extension field of a group. Name, profile picture, profile, announcement, and extension field of a group.,
verification mode of group invitation, invitation mode, invited mode,
group profile modification mode, and modification mode of group profile extension field
Invite a user to a group All group members can invite other users to a group, which requires no configuration. Two invitation modes are available. Only the administrator has the invitation permissions or all group members do.
Invitee consent mode By default, verification from an invitee is not required. Two verification modes are available. The verification from an invitee is required or not required.
Apply for joining a group Not supported Supported
Group verification By default, verification from an invitee is not required. Three options are available. The verification is required; The verification is not required; Anyone is not allowed to join the group.
Group member types group owner, ordinary members Group owner, administrators, and members.
Designate an administrator A ordinary group has no administrator. The owner can add or remove an administrator.
The permission of updating group profiles. All Two updating options are available. Only the administrator can update or all members can update.
Two updating options are available. Only the administrator can update or all members can update. Not supported group owner may update the nicknames of all users in the group.
The administrator can only update the nicknames of ordinary members in the group.
Update your nickname in the group Not supported Supported
Supported message types Basic message type Basic message type
Message notification The notification is received or rejected. Three options are available. Receive a notification; Only receive message notifications from an administrator; Reject a notification.
Historical messages Cloud historical messages are allowed. Standard Edition: you can get the historical messages in recent years.
Value-added service allows you to get the historical messages in the recent three years.
Cloud historical messages are allowed. Standard Edition: you can get the historical messages in recent years.
Value-added service allows you to get the historical messages in the recent three years.
Offline messages Each group chat session contains up to 100 offline messages Each group chat session contains up to 100 offline messages
Roaming messages Automatically sync the latest 100 messages per session within seven days. Automatically sync the latest 100 messages per session within seven days.
Compulsory push to specified members Supported Supported
Read receipt for group messages The feature is supported when a group has members less than 100. The feature is supported when a group has members less than 100.
Remove Only the group owner can remove a member out of a group. The group owner and administrators can remove members, but administrators can not remove the group owner and other administrators.
Voluntary withdrawal All users in an ordinary group can quit the group;
if the owner does, the group has an owner.
Except the group owner, other members can quit a group.
Designating other members as a new owner is required for the group owner to quit a group.
Mute Not supported An administrator can mute or unmute a member.
Transfer a group Not supported group owner can transfer his/her authority to any other group member, after a transfer,
the transferee will become a new owner and the original owner will become a ordinary member.
Owner may also leave the group upon the transfer.
Dismiss a group Not supported A owner may dismiss a group.

Chat Room

Feature Description
Capacity Unlimited.
Create a chat room A new chat room can be created by the server only.
Query chat room information The information includes the creator, number of online users, name, announcement, live streaming URL, extension field, update notification time,and notification event extension field.
Update chat room information The information includes the creator, number of online users, name, announcement, live streaming URL, extension field, update notification time,and notification event extension field.
Modify the on/off status The on/off status of a chat room can be updated by the server only.
Chat room message type Texts, images, voices, videos, files, locations, notification messages, tip messages, custom messages are supported.
Historical messages Query the historical messages for the recent 10 days, and set whether to select a cloud record storage when sending messages.
Role in Chat Room Fixed members and non-fixed members are included in a chat room. Fixed members include the creator, administrators, and ordinary members. Non-fixed members include ordinary visitors and anonymous visitors.
The blocklist After being blocklisted, one cannot join the chat room.
Mute Muted users can stay in the chat room, but cannot send messages.
Temporary mute Allows to set the duration of temporary mute and unmutes members beyond the duration.
Global mute If the status is set to be globally muted, only the creator and administrator can speak.
Members removal Only the administrator can remove members. To remove an administrator, only the creator has permission.
Modify member information in the chat room Currently, only the nickname, profile pictures, and extension field can be updated.
Enter several chat rooms at the same time A user can enter multiple chat rooms with the same account.
Enter a chat room on multiple clients at the same time A user can enter a chat room on multiple clients.
Chatbot Add robots to and delete robots from the chat room (up to 100 accounts each time).
TopN index query Query the TopN data concerning the number of persons in the chat room, the number of active users, and the number of messages per hour/day.
Chat room queue It is applied in the scenario of linking microphone for live streaming.

To update the strategy of entering a chat room on multiple clients, log in to the CommsEase Console, and enter the Feature Configuration under the corresponding App IM features for configuration.

Message delivery

Type Description
Sessions Messages of session type currently include one-to-one chat messages, group chat messages, group operation, and friend operation.
Login events Message of user login events
Logout events Message of user logout events
Chat rooms Chat messages in a chat room
Real-time voice and video/whiteboard call Message delivery Report the message of real-time audio and video call duration and whiteboard event duration
Voice and video/whiteboard file storage information It means the message of voice and video/whiteboard storage file size and download URL.
Deliver the event of recalling one-to-one chat messages It means delivering the event of recalling one-to-one chat messages
Deliver the event of recalling group chat messages It means delivering the event of recalling group chat messages
Deliver the event of anchor or manager entering or leaving a chat room Report the message of anchor or manager entering or leaving a chat room
The callback of the end of dedicated phone call Report the message of callback message deliveryat the end of dedicated phone call
SMS receipt Report the message of SMS receipt
GuideEase anti-spam asynchronous CC It is used to deliver the asynchronous result of anti-spam voices and videos.

Event subscription

Feature Description
Publish online status event Publish an event (only the online status event is supported currently)
Subscribe online status event Subscribe a specified type of event for a specified account (subscription period should be set)
Query event subscription Provide an API for searching the subscription relationship between the account and the specified account.

CommsEase Console

You can make some configurations required in the development process at CommsEase Console

Feature Description
API commissioning Server API commissioning
Account management Create account, disable account, set the basic account information
multi-device login configuration Configure the multi-device login of an application account and login invalidation strategy
Multi-device configuration for chat room Configure whether A user can enter a chat room on multiple clients.
Message recalling duration configuration Configure the duration when a delivered message may be recalled, 120 seconds by default
Message roaming configuration Configure whether message Roaming messages are enabled
Message delivery configuration Configure the message delivery address and type
Push certificate configuration Configure APNS, iOS PushKit, MiPush, Huawei Push Certificate
Tag management Configure iOS Bundle Identifier and Android Package Name


In addition to basic management features, CommsEase Console also provides multidimensional data statistics for the developer. Log in to CommsEase Console, and click Data Statistics in the left navigation, and select the corresponding application to view the related data under the application.

Metric Description
The number of new users Number of CommsEase IDs registered every day
The number of active users The number of users interacting with the CommsEase server(de-duplication)
The total number of users Number of all registered users as of the previous day
User region Distribution of daily active users and new users in provinces and cities
Number of one-to-one chat messages Distribution of daily active users and new users in provinces and cities
Number of group chat messages Number of uplink messages in group
Number of new groups Number of new groups
Cumulative number of groups Cumulative number of groups as of the previous day
Number of chat room messages The number of uplink messages in a chat room.
The number of new chat rooms The number of new chat rooms
The number of users in chat room The number of deduplication users in a chat room.
Visits in a chat room Total visits that are not deduplicated in a chat room.
Was this page helpful?
  • Platform support
  • Multi-device login
  • Message types
  • Messaging
  • NOS Cloud Storage
  • User information hosting
  • User relationship hosting
  • group
  • Chat Room
  • Message delivery
  • Event subscription
  • CommsEase Console
  • Statistics