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Chat Room

Update time: 2024/10/17 10:03:47

<span id="Overview'>Overview

A chat room is an online virtual channel that provides a venue for communities of users with loose membership control. Users can join or leave a chat room freely. In general, a chat room has no fixed membership organizational structure. Typical scenarios are the chat rooms in live streaming. The chat room is a paid extension capability that are available after you upgrade from IM Basic to IM Pro.

How can you choose between chat rooms and group chat features?

First, no upper limit is applied to the number of participants in chat rooms and groups can only support 200 people by default. You can expand the capacity of groups. If a large number of people chat in your scenarios, use chat rooms.

However, it is not suitable for group chat scenarios with a small number of people. For example, in chess and card games, only 4 players communicate with each other, chat rooms are appropriate. Because chess and card rooms are temporary sessions, players may leave or join the session at any time. You cannot handle disconnection under abnormal conditions for groups.

A chat room is analogous to a square. As long as users have access to the portal to the square, anyone can join or leave the chat room at any time. The group is similar with a company. The company is a more private organization. Only members of this organization can join. To become a member, you can request to join a group or be invited to join a group.

IM chat room uses multi-layer architecture design that can handle large-scale chat rooms with an unlimited number of participants,and can meet the real-time requirements of messaging.

Chat room features

Feature Description
Chat room capacity Unlimited numbers in a chat room.
Creating chat rooms Create chat rooms on the server.
Query information about a chat room You can get information about chat rooms, such as creator, number of online members, name, announcement, live streaming URLs, extension fields, whether to send update notification time, and extension fields for notification events.
Updating the chat room profile You can update information about chat room, such as creator, online number, name, announcement, live streaming URLs, extension fields, whether to send update notification time, and extension fields for notification events.
Opening or closing chat rooms You can open or close a chat room by calling the specific server API.
Message types Support text, image, voice, video, file, location, notification, tip, and custom messages.
Message history You can query the chat room history for the last 10 days, and set whether to save messages in the cloud upon delivery.
Roles Member roles are divided into two categories: permanent members and temporary members.
Permanent members include creators, administrators, and regular members. Temporary members include regular guests and anonymous guests.
Blocklist If your account is unable to join a chat room if blocked.
Muting Muted users cannot send messages.
Time-limited muting You can set a duration for muting a user. When the muted state is due, the muted state of the user will be automatically canceled.
Muting all members Only the owner and administrators can send messages if the mute all operation is applied.
Removing members The creator and administrators can remove members. Only the creator can remove administrators.
Edit member profile You can edit the nickname, avatar, and values in extension fields.
Simultaneous chat rooms You can handle multiple chat rooms simultaneously.
Connect the same account to a chat room from multiple devices The same account is allowed to join the same chat room on multiple devices simultaneously.
Chatbot Add and delete multiple chatbots at the same time in chat rooms, up to 100 accounts at a time.
Top N metrics Query the top N data of people joining chat rooms, active users, and the number of messages by hour or day.
Chat room queue Applied in live streaming for voice chats.

To edit the policy of joining a chat room simultaneously on multiple devices, log in to the CommsEase console, and got to "Configuration" under the ** IM product of the corresponding project.

Roles in chat rooms

Member roles are divided into two categories: fixed members and non-fixed members.

  • Permanent members belong to the regular members of a chat room. No matter whether the user is currently online or in the chat room, they belong to chat room members. The permanent members include: creator, administrator, and regular members.
  • Temporary members include regular guests and anonymous guests. After guests leave the chat room or go offline, they will no longer appear in the member list of a chat room.
Role Description
Creator The creator role has the highest privilege, including assign administrators, blocking, banning, removing people, assign regular members.
Administrator Administrators have the permissions to block, ban, remove memberse, and set regular members
Regular members Regular members are different from guests. Even if they leave a chat room and go online, they can still be loaded as chat room members.
Regular guest Regular guests are users who join the chat room in a logged-in state and are not assigned permanent member
Anonymous guest Anonymous guests can join the chat room without logging in. Compared with regular guests, anonymous guests do not support operations such as sending messages, being banned, blocked, and assigned administrator/regular member.

Developer resources

Developer guide:

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  • <span id="Overview'>Overview
  • Chat room features
  • Roles in chat rooms
  • Developer resources