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macOS Development Integration

Update time: 2024/08/20 15:45:46


macOS NIM SDK and iOS NIM SDK are developed with the same code. It shares the identical feature with iOS NIM SDK. Although they are compatible with macOS 10.10, they only support x86_64 framework, instead of i386.


macOS NIMSDK currently provides a manual integration method only.

  • Download related version of macOS NIM SDK, get NIMSDK.framework and import the project as required;

  • Import libraries dependencies in Libs;

  • Add other macOS NIM SDK dependent libraries;

    • CoreServices.framework
    • AVFoundation.framework
    • libc++.tbd
    • libsqlite3.0.tbd
    • libz.tbd
  • Add the option -ObjC under Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags.

  • Execute import <NIMSDK/NIMSDK.h> at the place where macOS NIM SDK is required

Using the SDK

As mentioned above, macOS NIM SDK has almost identical features with iOS NIM SDK. For information on specific features and APIs, see the corresponding documents.

In some cases, macOS NIM SDK and iOS NIM SDK are different, such as push notifications and some class names.

Push notifications

Push notifications are critical in iOS NIM SDK integration. CommsEase macOS NIM SDK provides the full-featured long connection to push notifications. Therefore, we do not provide push notifications on the macOS platform.

Class name

macOS NIM SDK and iOS NIM SDK share the same code. Therefore, most of codes are cross-platform. However, to integrate the specific SDK, developers need to flexibly deal with the difference. To ensure the compatibility of iOS NIM SDK, we focus on two class names by using @compatibility_alias. For more information, see the header file NIMPlatform.h`.

Was this page helpful?
  • Overview
  • Prerequisites
  • Using the SDK
  • Push notifications
  • Class name