System Notification

Update time: 2023/02/09 08:05:19

In addition to in-session messages, the NIM SDK also provides system notifications for notification distribution other than messages. You can implement built-in system notifications and custom system notification.

System notification overview

The built-in system notifications are sent for events, such as sending a join request, rejecting a join request, sending an invitation, rejecting an invitation, and friend operations. The SDK can receive notifications, store the data on the local database, and manage the unread count of notifications.

NIMSystemNotification representation


 *  System notification
@interface NIMSystemNotification : NSObject
 * Notification type
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       NIMSystemNotificationType type;

 *  Timestamp
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       NSTimeInterval timestamp;

 *  Operator
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *sourceID;

 *  Target ID, group ID or user ID
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *targetID;

 *  Additional message
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *postscript;

 *  Check whether a message is read
 *  @discussion Editing the property will not modify the data in the database
@property (nonatomic,assign)                BOOL read;

 *  Handle the status of a notification.
 * @discussion Editing this property will automatically update the data in the database. The SDK can persist the result using this value. The default value is 0.
@property (nonatomic,assign)                NSInteger handleStatus;

 *  Custom extension field for system notifications
@property (nullable,nonatomic,readonly)   NSString *notifyExt;

 * Message attachment
 * @discussion extra information, only the friend request. The attachment added by the friend request is NIMUserAddAttachment
@property (nullable,nonatomic,strong,readonly)       id attachment;



Parameter Type Description
type NIMSystemNotificationType The type of notifications
timestamp NSTimeInterval The timestamp.
sourceID NSString The operator
targetID NSString Target ID, group ID, or user ID
postscript NSString The additional message
read BOOL Whether a notification is read. Updating this property will not modify the data in the database.
handleStatus NSInteger The status of a notification.
notifyExt NSString Custom extension field for system notifications
attachment id The attachment added by the friend request is NIMUserAddAttachment.

Listener for system notifications

  • Add a delegate:
//Global listener
- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [[NIMSDK sharedSDK].systemNotificationManager addDelegate:self];

System notifications can be monitored by the following callback:

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 *  Listener to system notifications
 *  @param notification system notification
-(void)onReceiveSystemNotification:(NIMSystemNotification *)notification;

Filter for system notifications

In case a client receives system notifications, you can set filter rules can filter out some types of system notifications.


objc@interface NIMSystemNotificationFilter : NSObject
* Type list. The value range is: NIMSystemNotificationType enums
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSArray<NSNumber*> *notificationTypes

Get a system notification

Get a system notification

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Get a system message stored locally
 * @param notification The current earliest system notification. If no system notification exist, pass nil.
 *  @param limit        the maximum allowed messages
 * @return A list of system messages
- (NSArray *)fetchSystemNotifications:(NIMSystemNotification *)notification                                                        


Parameter Type Description
notification NIMSystemNotification The current earliest system notification. If no system notification exist, pass nil.
limit NSInteger the maximum allowed messages

Get system notifications of a specified type

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Get a system message stored locally
 * @param notification The current earliest system notification. If no system notification exist, pass nil.
 *  @param limit        the maximum allowed messages
 *  @param filter       filter
 * @return A list of system messages
- (nullable NSArray<NIMSystemNotification*> *)fetchSystemNotifications:(nullable NIMSystemNotification *)notification 
                                                                filter:(nullable NIMSystemNotificationFilter *)filter;

NIMSystemNotificationFilter see System Notification Filters section.

Get the unread count of system notifications

Listen to changes of unread count

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 * Listener to changes of the total unread count
 *  @param unreadCount unread count of system notifications
- (void)onSystemNotificationCountChanged:(NSInteger)unreadCount;

Get the unread count

Get the unread count of built-in system notifications from the local storage.

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Get the unread count of system notifications
 *  @return the unread count of system notifications
- (NSInteger)allUnreadCount;

 * Get the unread count of system notifications
 *  @param filter  The filter
 *  @return the unread count of system notifications
- (NSInteger)allUnreadCount:(nullable NIMSystemNotificationFilter *)filter


NIMSystemNotificationFilter see System Notification Filters section.

Mark as read

Mark all system notifications as read

Mark all local built-in system notifications read.

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 *  Mark all system notifications as read
- (void)markAllNotificationsAsRead;

Mark all system notifications of a specified type as read

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Mark all system messages of a specified type as read
 *  @param filter filter
- (void)markAllNotificationsAsRead:(nullable NIMSystemNotificationFilter *)filter;

NIMSystemNotificationFilter see System Notification Filters section.

Mark a system notification as read

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 *  Mark an unread system notification as read
 *  @param notification system notification
- (void)markNotificationsAsRead:(NIMSystemNotification *)notification;


Parameter Type Description
notification NIMSystemNotification The current earliest system notification. If no system notification exist, pass nil.

Delete system notifications

Delete all system notifications

Delete all local built-in system notifications

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Delete all system messages.
- (void)deleteAllNotifications;

Deleted system notifications of a specified type

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Delete system messages of a specified type
 *  @param filter filter
- (void)deleteAllNotifications:(nullable NIMSystemNotificationFilter *)filter;

NIMSystemNotificationFilter see System Notification Filters section.

Delete a system notification

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 * Delete an unread system notification
 *  @param notification system notification
- (void)deleteNotification:(NIMSystemNotification *)notification;


Parameter Type Description
notification NIMSystemNotification The current earliest system notification. If no system notification exist, pass nil.

Set the state of system messages

After handling the system notification event, you can change the status of a system notification.

You can define and parse custom states for handling system notification.

objc@interface NIMSystemNotification : NSObject
 *  Handle the status of a notification.
 * @discussion Editing this property will automatically update the data in the database. The SDK can persist the result using this value. The default value is 0.
@property (nonatomic,assign)        NSInteger handleStatus;

Custom system notifications

In addition to the built-in system notification, the NIM SDK also provides an additional custom system to facilitate the notification of business logic, such as that the peer is typing.... This notification can be initiated by either the client or the app server.

** Note that custom messages belongs to the messaging system of CommsEase, which is suitable for conversations, stored in the message database by the SDK, and displayed to users together with other built-in message types of CommsEase. Custom notifications are used for third-party event status notifications, and the SDK does not store, count unread counts, or parse these notifications. The SDK transmits and notify these events. The upper layer of your app can handle the persistence of custom notifications.**

Custom system notifications prototype

objc@interface NIMCustomSystemNotification : NSObject
 *  Notification ID
 * @discussion Only received custom system notifications have notification IDs
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       int64_t notificationId;

 *  Timestamp
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       NSTimeInterval timestamp;

 *  Sender ID
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *sender;

 *  Recipient ID
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString *receiver;

 *  Recipient types
@property (nonatomic,assign,readonly)       NIMSessionType  receiverType;

 *  Message body in pass-through mode
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy,readonly)         NSString    *content;

 * Specify whether to deliver messages only to online users
 * @discussion The default value is YES. If this value is set to NO, the recipient will receive the notification the next time the user logs in
@property (nonatomic,assign)                BOOL sendToOnlineUsersOnly;

 * Push notification content that can contain up to 500 characters
 * @discussion The default value is nil, users can specify the content of the current notification.
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy)                  NSString *apnsContent;

 * APNS payload of a push notification
 * @discussion The field can contain a custom notification as payload. For more information about supported types, see the official Apple documentation.
@property (nullable,nonatomic,copy)                  NSDictionary *apnsPayload;

 *  Custom settings of system notifications
 *  @discussion The field can be specified for settings, such as count as unread, and multi-device sync
@property (nullable,nonatomic,strong)                NIMCustomSystemNotificationSetting *setting;

 *  Initialization method of custom system notifications
 *  @param content  custom content of a system notification
 *@return custom system notifications instance
- (instancetype)initWithContent:(NSString *)content;

Send a custom system notification

Custom system notifications only supports P2P chats and group chats, not chat rooms.

  • By default, up to 100 calls per second are allowed. - To increase the limit, contact the sales manager over the Whatsapp on the CommsEase website.
objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManager <NSObject>
 *  Send custom system notifications
 *  @param notification system notification
 *  @param session      receipient
 *  @param completion   Completion callback
- (void)sendCustomNotification:(NIMCustomSystemNotification *)notification
                     toSession:(NIMSession *)session


Parameter Type Description
notification NIMCustomSystemNotification Custom system notification
session NIMSession Session
completion NIMSystemNotificationHandler Callback for completion.


objcNSDictionary *dict = @{
                        NTESNotifyID : @(NTESCustom),
                        NTESCustomContent : content,
NSData *data = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dict
NSString *json = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data
// Instantiate a custom system notification
NIMCustomSystemNotification *notification = [[NIMCustomSystemNotification alloc] initWithContent:json];
// Add the content for the push notification
notification.apnsContent = content;
// Send the notifications to online users. Offline users cannot recieve the notification.
notification.sendToOnlineUsersOnly = NO;

NIMCustomSystemNotificationSetting *setting = [[NIMCustomSystemNotificationSetting alloc] init];
// The default value is YES. By default, custom system notifications received by users are counted unread on the app badge.
setting.shouldBeCounted = NO;
// Enable the APNs service for the notification
setting.apnsEnabled = YES;
//  Specify whether a prefix is added to the notification. The default value is NO.
setting.apnsWithPrefix = YES;
notification.setting = setting;
[[[NIMSDK sharedSDK] systemNotificationManager] sendCustomNotification:notification

Receive custom system notifications

Receive custom system notifications

objc@protocol NIMSystemNotificationManagerDelegate <NSObject>
 *  Get notified when a custom system notification is received
 * @discussion The notification is sent by the app server or client and is transmitted in transparent data transmission mode by CommsEase. The SDK does not store the data.
 *  @param notification Custom notification
- (void)onReceiveCustomSystemNotification:(NIMCustomSystemNotification *)notification;


Parameter Type Description
notification NIMCustomSystemNotification Custom system notification
Was this page helpful?
  • System notification overview
  • Listener for system notifications
  • Filter for system notifications
  • Get a system notification
  • Get a system notification
  • Get system notifications of a specified type
  • Get the unread count of system notifications
  • Listen to changes of unread count
  • Get the unread count
  • Mark as read
  • Mark all system notifications as read
  • Mark all system notifications of a specified type as read
  • Mark a system notification as read
  • Delete system notifications
  • Delete all system notifications
  • Deleted system notifications of a specified type
  • Delete a system notification
  • Set the state of system messages
  • Custom system notifications
  • Send a custom system notification
  • Receive custom system notifications