NERtc Unity SDK
CommsEase NERtc SDK provides a comprehensive Real-time Communication (RTC) development platform that allows developers to implement Internet-based peer-to-peer audio and video calls, and group audio and video conferencing. The SDK enables users to manage audio and video devices and switch audio and video modes during calls. The SDK also implements capturing video data callbacks and offers additional features, such as personalized image enhancement.
Method | Description | Supported version |
Initialize | Initializes the NERtc SDK. | V4.5.907 |
Release | Destroys an IRtcEngine object. | V4.5.907 |
CreateChannel | Creates an RTC channel object. | V4.5.907 |
Destroy | Destroys the RTC channel object. | V4.5.907 |
SetChannelProfile | Sets a room scene. | V4.5.907 |
SetClientRole | Sets the role of a user. | V4.5.907 |
JoinChannel | Joins a channel. | V4.5.907 |
LeaveChannel | Leaves a channel. | V4.5.907 |
GetConnectionState | Gets the connection state of a channel. | V4.5.907 |
SetParameters | Sets parameters for audio and video calls. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnClientRoleChanged | Occurs when a user changes the role in live streaming. | V4.5.907 |
OnJoinChannel | Occurs when a user joins a channel. | V4.5.907 |
OnRejoinChannel | Occurs when a user rejoins a room. | V4.5.907 |
OnLeaveChannel | Occurs when a user leaves a room. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserJoined | Occurs when a remote user joins the current room. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserLeft | Occurs when a remote user leaves a room. | V4.5.907 |
OnDisconnect | Occurs when the server becomes disconnected. callback. | V4.5.907 |
OnReconnectingStart | Occurs when reconnection starts. | V4.5.907 |
OnConnectionStateChange | Occurs when connection state changes. | V4.5.907 |
OnReleasedHwResources | Occurs when a call ends and device resources are released. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetAudioProfile | Sets the audio profile. | V4.5.907 |
AdjustRecordingSignalVolume | Adjusts the volume of captured signals. | V4.5.907 |
AdjustPlaybackSignalVolume | Adjusts the local playback volume. | V4.5.907 |
AdjustUserPlaybackSignalVolume | Adjusts the local playback volume of the stream from a specified remote user. | V4.5.907 |
EnableLocalAudio | Stops or resumes local audio capture. | V4.5.907 |
MuteLocalAudioStream | Mutes or unmutes local audio. | V4.5.907 |
SubscribeRemoteAudioStream | Subscribes to or unsubscribes from specified remote audio streams. | V4.5.907 |
SubscribeAllRemoteAudioStream | Subscribes to or unsubscribes from all remote audio streams. | V4.5.907 |
EnableLoopbackRecording | Enables the capture from a sound card. | V4.5.907 |
AdjustLoopbackRecordingSignalVolume | Adjusts the volume of signals captured from a sound card. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
EnableLocalVideo | Enables or disables the local video stream. | V4.5.907 |
SetCameraCaptureConfig | Sets the configuration for capturing data from a camera | V4.5.907 |
SetVideoConfig | Sets the local video configuration. | V4.5.907 |
SetupLocalVideoCanvas | Sets the local video canvas. | V4.5.907 |
SetupRemoteVideoCanvas | Sets the remote video canvas. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalRenderMode | Sets the rendering mode for the local video stream. | V4.5.907 |
SetRemoteRenderMode | Sets the rendering mode of a remote video stream. | V4.5.907 |
StartVideoPreview | Starts video preview. | V4.5.907 |
StopVideoPreview | Stops video preview | V4.5.907 |
MuteLocalVideoStream | Stops or resumes publishing the local video stream. | V4.5.907 |
SubscribeRemoteVideoStream | Subscribes to or unsubscribes from video streams from specified remote users. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalVideoMirrorMode | Sets the mirroring mode for the local video stream. | V4.5.907 |
EnableSuperResolution | Enables or disables AI super resolution. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
OnFirstVideoDataReceived | Occurs when the first video frame from a remote user is received | V4.5.907 |
OnFirstAudioDataReceived | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is received. | V4.5.907 |
OnFirstAudioFrameDecoded | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is decoded. | V4.5.907 |
OnFirstVideoFrameDecoded | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is decoded. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
OnUserAudioStart | Called when a remote user enables audio. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserAudioStop | Called when a remote user unpublishes the audio substream. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoStart | Occurs when a remote user publishes the video stream. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoStop | Occurs when a remote user unpublishes the video stream | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoProfileUpdate | Occurs when the configuration of video streams from a remote user are updated | V4.5.907 |
OnUserAudioMute | Occurs when a remote user mutes the audio. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoMute | Occurs when a remote user mutes the video. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartScreenCaptureByDisplayId | Enables screen sharing. The sharing view port is the specified area of a specified screen. This method is only supported on macOS. | V4.5.907 |
StartScreenCaptureByScreenRect | Enables screen sharing. The sharing view port is the specified area of a specified screen. This method is only supported on Windows. | V4.5.907 |
StartScreenCaptureByWindowId | Enables screen sharing. The sharing view port is the specified area of a specified window. | V4.5.907 |
SetExcludeWindowList | Sets the list of windows to be blocked when sharing the specified screen or screen area. | V4.5.907 |
UpdateScreenCaptureRegion | Updates the screen sharing area. | V4.5.907 |
PauseScreenCapture | Pauses screen sharing. | V4.5.907 |
ResumeScreenCapture | Resumes screen sharing. | V4.5.907 |
StopScreenCapture | Stops screen sharing. | V4.5.907 |
SetupLocalSubstreamVideoCanvas | Sets a playback canvas for local video substream. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalSubStreamRenderMode | Sets the rendering mode of a local video substream. | V4.5.907 |
SetupRemoteSubStreamVideoCanvas | Sets a playback canvas for remote video substream. | V4.5.907 |
SetRemoteSubSteamRenderMode | Sets the rendering mode of a remote video substream for screen sharing. | V4.5.907 |
SubscribeRemoteVideoSubstream | Subscribes to or unsubscribes from the remote video substream for screen sharing. You can receive the video substream data only after you subscribe to the remote video substream. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnUserSubStreamVideoStart | Occurs when a remote user starts screen sharing through the substream. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserSubStreamVideoStop | Occurs when a remote user stops screen sharing through the substream. | V4.5.907 |
OnScreenCaptureStatusChanged | Occurs when the screen sharing state changes. This method is only supported on Windows. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
CreateChannel | Create and get a NERtcChannel object. Users can join multiple channels by creating multiple NERtcChannel objects. | V4.5.907 |
IRtcChannel | The classes provide methods to implement audio and video calling in a specified room. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
ChannelOnClientRoleChanged | Occurs when a user changes the role in live streaming. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnJoinChannel | Occurs when a user joins a channel. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnRejoinChannel | Occurs when a user rejoins a room. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnLeaveChannel | Occurs when a user leaves a room. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnUserJoined | Occurs when a remote user joins the current room. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnUserLeft | Occurs when a remote user leaves a room. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnDisconnect | Occurs when the server becomes disconnected. callback. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnReconnectingStart | Occurs when reconnection starts. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnConnectionStateChange | Occurs when connection state changes. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnReleasedHwResources | Occurs when a call ends and device resources are released. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnFirstVideoDataReceived | Occurs when the first video frame from a remote user is received | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnFirstAudioDataReceived | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is received. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnFirstAudioFrameDecoded | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is decoded. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnFirstVideoFrameDecoded | Occurs when the first audio frame from a remote user is decoded. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserAudioStart | Called when a remote user enables audio. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserAudioStop | Called when a remote user unpublishes the audio substream. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoStart | Occurs when a remote user publishes the video stream. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoStop | Occurs when a remote user unpublishes the video stream | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoProfileUpdate | Occurs when the configuration of video streams from a remote user are updated | V4.5.907 |
OnUserAudioMute | Occurs when a remote user mutes the audio. | V4.5.907 |
OnUserVideoMute | Occurs when a remote user mutes the video. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartAudioMixing | Starts to play a music file. | V4.5.907 |
StopAudioMixing | Stops playing a music file. | V4.5.907 |
PauseAudioMixing | Pauses playing a music file. | V4.5.907 |
ResumeAudioMixing | Resumes playing a music file. | V4.5.907 |
SetAudioMixingPlaybackVolume | Sets the playback volume of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
SetAudioMixingSendVolume | Sets the publishing volume of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
GetAudioMixingPlaybackVolume | Gets the playback volume of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
GetAudioMixingSendVolume | Get the publishing volume of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
GetAudioMixingDuration | Gets the total duration of a music file | V4.5.907 |
GetAudioMixingCurrentPosition | Sets the playback position of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
SetAudioMixingPosition | Gets the current playback position of a music file. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnAudioMixingStateChanged | Occurs when the playback status of a local music file changes. | V4.5.907 |
OnAudioMixingTimestampUpdate | Occurs when the timestamp of a music file is updated. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
GetEffectPlaybackVolume | Gets the playback volume of an audio effect file. | V4.5.907 |
SetEffectPlaybackVolume | Sets the playback volume of an audio effect file. | V4.5.907 |
PlayEffect | Plays back a specified audio effect file | V4.5.907 |
StopEffect | Stops playing a specified audio effect file. | V4.5.907 |
StopAllEffects | Stops playing all audio effect files. | V4.5.907 |
PauseEffect | Pauses the playback of an audio effect file. | V4.5.907 |
PauseAllEffects | Pauses all audio file playback | V4.5.907 |
ResumeEffect | Resumes playing back a specified audio effect file. | V4.5.907 |
ResumeAllEffects | Resumes playing back all audio effect files. | V4.5.907 |
SetEffectSendVolume | Adjusts the publishing volume of a effect file. | V4.5.907 |
GetEffectSendVolume | Gets the publishing volume of an effect file. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnAudioEffectFinished | Occurs when the playback of an audio effect file ends | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetAudioEffectPreset | Sets a voice change effect preset by the SDK. | V4.5.907 |
SetVoiceBeautifierPreset | Sets an voice beautifier effect preset by the SDK. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalVoiceEqualization | Sets the local voice equalization effect. You can customize the center frequencies of the local voice effects. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalVoicePitch | Sets the voice pitch of a local voice. | V4.5.907 |
Note: This methods are applicable only to Interactive Live Streaming v2.0.
Method | Description | Supported version |
AddLiveStreamTask | Adds a streaming task in a room. | V4.5.907 |
UpdateLiveStreamTask | Updates a streaming task in a room. | V4.5.907 |
RemoveLiveStreamTask | Deletes a streaming task in a room. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnAddLiveStreamTask | Occurs when a live streaming task is added. | V4.5.907 |
OnUpdateLiveStreamTask | Occurs when a live streaming task is updated. | V4.5.907 |
OnRemoveLiveStreamTask | Occurs when a live streaming task is deleted. | V4.5.907 |
OnLiveStreamStateChanged | Gets notified of live streaming status. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartChannelMediaRelay | Starts relaying media streams across channels. | V4.5.907 |
UpdateChannelMediaRelay | Updates the information about the destination room to which the media stream is relayed. | V4.5.907 |
StopChannelMediaRelay | Stops media stream relay across rooms. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnMediaRelayStateChanged | Occurs when the status of media stream relay changes. | V4.5.907 |
OnMediaRelayEvent | Occurs when events about media stream relay are triggered. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
nertc.IRtcEngine.SendSEIMsg" SendSEIMsg" | Sends supplemental enhancement information (SEI) messages through the bigtream. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
EnableAudioVolumeIndication | Enables volume indication for the current speaker. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnRemoteAudioVolumeIndication | Occurs when the system indicates the active speaker and the audio volume. | V4.5.907 |
OnLocalAudioVolumeIndication | Occurs when the system indicates current local audio volume in the room. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
EnableEarback | enables the in-ear monitoring feature. | V4.5.907 |
SetEarbackVolume | Sets the volume for in-ear monitoring. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
EnableDualStreamMode | Enables or disables the video dual stream mode. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetLocalPublishFallbackOption | Sets the fallback option for the published local video stream for unreliable network conditions. | V4.5.907 |
SetRemoteSubscribeFallbackOption | Sets the fallback option for the subscribed remote audio and video stream for unreliable network conditions. | V4.5.907 |
SetLocalMediaPriority | Sets the priority of local media streams. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartLastmileProbeTest | Start network quality probe test before call. | V4.5.907 |
StopLastmileProbeTest | Stop network quality probe test before call. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnLastmileQuality | Reports the network quality of the local user. | V4.5.907 |
OnLastmileProbeResult | Reports the upstream and downstream last mile network quality before calling. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetExternalAudioSource | Enables external audio source and sets the capture parameters. | V4.5.907 |
PushExternalAudioFrame | Pushs the audio frame data captured from the external audio source to the internal audio engine. | V4.5.907 |
SetExternalAudioRender | Sets external audio rendering | V4.5.907 |
PullExternalAudioFrame | Pulls the external audio data | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetExternalVideoSource | Configures external video source. | V4.5.907 |
PushExternalVideoFrame | Pushes the external video frame data captured from the external video source. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetRecordingAudioFrameParameters | Sets the audio recording format. | V4.5.907 |
SetPlaybackAudioFrameParameters | Sets the audio playback format. | V4.5.907 |
SetAudioFrameObserver | Registers the audio frame observer. | V4.5.907 |
SetMixedAudioFrameParameters | Sets the sample rate of the mixed stream after the audio is captured and playback. You must call this method before you join a room. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnCaptureVideoFrame | Retrieves the video data captured. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetLocalCanvasWatermarkConfigs | Adds a watermark to the local video canvas. The method is only supported on Windows. | V4.5.907 |
SetRemoteCanvasWatermarkConfigs | Adds a watermark to the remote video canvas. The method is only supported on Windows. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
EnableEncryption | Enables or disables media stream encryption. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartAudioRecording | Starts an audio recording on a client. | V4.5.907 |
StopAudioRecording | Stops an audio recording on the client. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnAudioRecording | Returns the audio recording status. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
SetPlayoutDeviceMute | Sets the current playback device to a muted state. | V4.5.907 |
GetPlayoutDeviceMute | Gets the muted state of the current playback device. | V4.5.907 |
SetRecordDeviceMute | Sets the current capture device to a muted state. | V4.5.907 |
GetRecordDeviceMute | Gets the muted state of the current capture device. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnAudioHowling | Occurs when howling is detected. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
OnAudioDeviceStateChanged | Occurs when the status of the audio playback device changes. | V4.5.907 |
OnAudioDefaultDeviceChanged | Occurs when the default audio device changes. | V4.5.907 |
OnVideoDeviceStateChanged | Occurs when the status of a video device changes. | V4.5.907 |
Method | Description | Supported version |
StartAudioDump | Starts recording an audio dump file that can be used to analyze audio issues | V4.5.907 |
StopAudioDump | Stops recording an audio dump file. | V4.5.907 |
UploadSdkInfo | Uploads the log records collected by the SDK. | V4.5.907 |
Event | Description | Supported version |
OnError | Occurs when an error is triggered. | V4.5.907 |
ChannelOnError | Occurs when an error is triggered. | V4.5.907 |
OnWarning | Occurs when a warning is triggered. | V4.5.907 |