NIMChatroomIndependentMode Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in NIMChatroomEnterRequest.h


The independent login mode for chat rooms


User name in independent mode

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *username


User name in independent mode

If the value is set to nil, the SDK will log in with an anonymous account. In anonymous mode, NIMChatroomEnterRequest must contain the nickname and avatar

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If username is set to nil, use anonymous login. This variable determines the anonymous account. If nil is used, the account is automatically generated by the SDK

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *anonName


If username is set to nil, use anonymous login. This variable determines the anonymous account. If nil is used, the account is automatically generated by the SDK

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Token used in independent mode

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *token


Token used in independent mode

token is invalid if the user name is empty

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Chat room AppKey, optional. If unspecified, use CommsEase IM AppKey

@property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSString *chatroomAppKey


Chat room AppKey, optional. If unspecified, use CommsEase IM AppKey

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+ registerRequestChatroomAddressesHandler:

Register the callback for getting the URL of a chat room

+ (void)registerRequestChatroomAddressesHandler:(NIMRequestChatroomAddressesHandler)handler



method to get the URL of a chat room


Register the callback for getting the URL of a chat room

If a user joins a chat room and refreshing the chat room IP, the SDK will call this callback and pass in the roomId and callback parameters. The callback requires the upper layer of the application to use roomId to make a request to obtain the corresponding address of a chat room and return the address to the SDK using the callback. Note that no matter whether the request is successful, the callback must return the result. Otherwise, the request to enter the chat room will wait continuously. This interface is only registered once, and later registrations will overwrite the previous registration.

Reference code:

[NIMChatroomIndependentMode registerRequestChatroomAddressesHandler:^(NSString * Nonnull roomId, NIMRequestChatroomAddressesCallback Nonnull callback) { [YourHTTPService request:roomId completion:^(NSError error,NSArray addresses) { //The callback must return the result, no matter the request is successful if(callback) { callback(error,addresses); } }]; }];

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